Chapter 37

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"Have you ever skied before love?" Michael asked and I stared at him with a raised eyebrow and in the corner of my eyes, I saw that Matt had the same look on his face.

"O yes, in Gotar mountain." I replied sarcastically and Michael looked at me and a huge smile appeared on his face.

"Right. Sorry."

"It's fine." I said with a huge smile on my face as I looked at his perfect face. "Have I ever told you that you have the most perfect face in the world?"

"I believe you have, yes." Michael said with a huge smile.

"No good, I'm just making sure." I said and Eddie and Eric let out a snort as they looked at me. "What?"

"You always tell tweedle dum and tweedle dee over there that they have perfect faces."

"Well have you seen their faces. They're perfection." I stated pointing towards Matt and Mike. "I mean seriously, those Hugo genes." I said shaking my head and they all let out a chuckle at that.

"Even Matt's face?"

"I may hate his face, but I can't deny that it's perfection." I said looking at Matt whom was staring at me with a smile, while his eyebrows were raised. "I mean your grammy hated Hugo's face half of the time too, but she probably could never with a straight face say that he's ugly, and the same goes for your mum and Luther right." I said and Luther and Olivia looked up from their 'booth' of four and they showed the biggest smile ever looking at me.

"O, Luther's face is perfection indeed. Even when I want to drown him for being an annoying fuck face, I couldn't do it because it would be a waste of beauty." Olivia confirmed and Luther stared at her in disbelief, Christian, Carrie, and Daniel stared at Olivia with a huge smile on their faces.

"Yeah, so you know. Even if I would rather bash his face into pieces, I could never do that. I have to preserve that perfect face." I said grabbing Matt's chin now. "Look at it." I said.

"We have seen it several times in our lives." Eddie confirmed and I nodded.

"Ok good. I love your jawline." I said pointing to him as I let go of Matt, whom smiled staring at me. "Like perfection and your cheekbones Eric, makes me go wild."

"We have the same face."

"No you don't Eddie, I've told you countless times, you may have the same face to the outside world, to me you don't." I said. "Right Olivia?"

"O def. They have totally different faces." Olivia confirmed without even looking up and I smiled very widely.

"See- even your mother agrees with me. Two Goddesses of Seglusa are telling you that your faces aren't the same, so who do you think you are with disagreeing."

"Science." Eddie said and I rolled my eyes.

"Are we going to have this discussion again?"

"I will have this discussion with you until one of us dies."

"How dare you." I spat back at him with the biggest smile ever and Eddie smiled even wider. "If you ever have the fucking balls to die on me, I'll kill you in Seglusa's realm over and over and over and fucking over again for even having the balls to abandon me with those Luther shits and Eric." I said.

"Love you too." Eric, Matthew and Michael said, but I ignored that.

"I obviously can never ever do that to you." Eddie said and I nodded. "You promise the same thing."

"Obviously, I can't leave this world without being impregnated and overpopulating the royal line with perfect babies in 5 years." I said and he nodded.

"Four right?"

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