Chapter 112

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It was the fourth night, the 'red' night symbolising the death of all of the people we've lost. I had seen footage of the festivals all around the world and it was insane to see how much people were partying and enjoying their time. I was enjoying my time too, although my day was; go party, go to bed too late, wake up and have a hangover, take a hangover pill, lay in bed with either Eric or Matt, and wait until the hangover disappeared and then go back and party. It was a lot of fun in my opinion, but also fucking exhausting. 

I was currently wearing a leather short skirt and a bra top of sorts that was red. I was wearing red high boots and I had on a red long wig that was loose hair. My lips were red and I loved the look to be honest. I looked hot and I felt hot.

I walked down the stairs and Naomi whistled as she saw me and I twirled around and hugged her as she was wearing a red dress.

"You look hot." Naomi said and I could feel Oliver staring at me with a huge smile. I looked sideways and Eddie was staring at me and I could see some sort of shock in his eyes, but I ignored that as I then looked at Eric whom had a huge smile on his face as he saw me.

We went towards the party street again and I was walking and dancing with Naomi while we got to decide a club, but we decided on going to the beach party that was going on and you had to take your shoes off, so we did; as we were dancing on the sand itself. I moved my body and jumped up and down with her having a blast. I saw Eddie staring at me more times than he wasn't staring at me, and he was actually checking me out.

Kim was dancing with some random group of girls that she had met and having fun, and that was fine, but Eddie? Eddie was watching me, looking me up and down, staring at me with so much interest, that it almost made me believe he had his memories back.

"Eddie can't stop looking at you." Naomi stated.

"I've noticed." I replied as I looked at her and she raised her eyebrows to me and I laughed and shook my head as 'we found love' by their grandmother, or their great grandmother, whomever, came on and I put my arms up and moved my bum to the music a bit before the drop came on and I jumped up and down excited and Naomi did the same thing. She didn't have a bump yet; she was fucking stunning though. Her tits were bigger, which apparently Oliver seemed to love.

Willow and Samuel were fucking adorable. It was clear that they were obsessed with one another and some sort of 'myth' was going on with them too, as they breathed differently when the other wasn't in the room. It was amazing to see.

Danny and Elijah were just so in sync that it was almost scary to see. They moved the same way, even when they weren't in the same room, or even in the same area. They were connected, and it just like all the other relationships that the siblings had, confirmed to me even more that the 'myth' was true.

One of my favourite songs then came on 'love tonight' which was an old song but a new remix. I put my arms up and I moved my body to the music a bit as it had just started and Naomi was in her own trance as well. "Nothings ever, felt more like home, no I'll be there, you'll never be alone." I sang and I opened my eyes and I looked directly into Eddie's eyes whom was listening to what some fucker was stating to him, but he was observing me, and I moved my body to the music for him, and just him. He looked at my body the whole time, and it was hot, it was hot feeling his eyes on me. When the song ended, I looked away from him and I looked at Naomi whom was currently making out with Oliver, well making out? It was more they were basically fucking. I smiled at that a bit as I then decided to go to the bathroom. When I walked back I walked up towards Willow and Leila whom were laughing while talking to some of their childhood friends.

I danced with them for a bit, before I looked around for Matt or Eric, as I was hungry and I wanted to get some food, but I couldn't find them. I did find Eddie though, and his eyes were still glued on me while he was listening to someone. I walked up towards him and he kept looking at me, before I was closer to him and his eyes went up towards my eyes. I put my hand on his arm and he leaned down.

"I'm hungry, can you walk with me to one of the food stands?" I asked and I backed away and looked at him and he nodded staring at me before he turned his head and something along the lines of 'I'll be right back'.

We walked through the people and he held out his hand as he was walking ahead of me, and I grabbed his hands, our fingers intertwining, just like before and it felt safe.

We walked through the people before we arrived at the pier and it was a bit quieter here, there were couples here making out, there were girls crying about guys, there were girls having fights. I looked around at all these diverse people in interest, while still holding onto Eddie's hand, and he was quiet as he was observing everything as well. I was a bit cold and he seems to notice that and he took off his buttoned up shirt and he handed it to me and I put it on.

"Thanks." I whispered and he nodded as he grabbed my hand, more out of habit probably, as we walked past the food stands, and he let me lead as I looked at everything they had, before I arrived at the waffle station.

"I'm obsessed with waffles." I whispered and I walked towards it and I ordered some waffles for me, and for Eddie and we got them. We then walked towards the side of the pier and we went and sat down next to each other and we ate in silence, although we heard the music in the background and I listened to it and moved my head to the music. When I was done with eating, Eddie grabbed my trash and stood up and went to the trash can. I put my arms over the railing that was here and put my head on it sideways as I looked at him walking away, before he walked back and he looked at me and he sat down again.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" He asked and I nodded looking at him and he nodded back at me. "Good."

"Are you?"

"Yeah. It's fun. I'm catching up with some high school friends." He explained and I nodded looking at him as it was silent for a bit as we were looking at one another. "Shall we go back?"

'Good idea." I said and he stood up and he held out his hand and I grabbed it and I stood up and we turned around and we walked across the pier a bit in silence as we weren't holding hands.

There were no people walking really, maybe behind us. I stared ahead a bit aimlessly, before Eddie stopped and I frowned as I looked sideways at him and he looked like he saw a ghost. I stared at that and I then followed his glance and my heart stopped.

I had dreamt of those brown eyes for years, I had seen the life out of those brown eyes disappear. His brown hair went all over the place, just like it had done for all those years we were together. His bone structure was still the same as it always was, perfect to the t. His lips were full, I had kissed those lips so many times- but never enough. My eyes went down towards his arms and my heart stopped beating as I saw that his arm- he only had one arm. He also had some scars around his body, and I remembered him getting those scars.

Mike was standing about a hundred meters in front of us, frozen on the spot staring at the two of us. His brown eyes, the brown eyes I had dreamt of for months, looking at us with pure fear.

This was impossible.

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