Chapter 49

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I had no idea how I looked, but I knew that I- that it was bad. It was bad. I knew I had no more hair, I knew that my body was covered more by bruises than no bruises. I knew dried up blood had formed all over my body. I knew that the cuts were more patterns than something new. It was absolutely fucking physically exhausting and immensely painful.

I had been immensely proud of myself though; that I had not told anyone anything yet. They had asked me loads of questions and all the punishments had been for me, but I had not said anything. It hurt. Everything hurt. When they put their dicks in me it hurt. When they forced me to watch how they assaulted Mike it hurt.

Two days later though, I lost my mind. I thought I had it back, when they put Mike back down on the floor by me, and they handed me the knife. I looked at Mike and they pointed to the middle finger; I had already cut off his thumb. I would have to cut off every finger. But I couldn't do it anymore. I was done with it. So I realised what I had to do. I realised what I had to do. They had given me a weapon. There were five guys here. This could work? I looked at Mike and Mike stared back at me and he saw what I was planning on doing and there was some sort of hope in his eyes as he looked at me. I put my hand on his hand and I put the knife against his middle finger. I took a few deep breaths before I stood up, ignoring the pain and I slashed the neck of one guy, before I stabbed another guy in the eye. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Mike standing up and punching one of the guys; but it was to no avail. More men walked in and got us together. I screamed it out as they started to punch both Mike and I, before they cut off Mike's whole hand.

I thought they'd take him to the hospital or to the doctor now, but no, they didn't do that. Had they just done that- Had I just cut off his finger.

They turned the camera on and the moment they turned the Camera on, Mike and I both sat up a bit straighter; ignoring our pain. We had to show the world they couldn't hurt us. I looked sideways at Mike again and there was no life in his eyes, he was exhausted. He really was exhausted and I understood that. I was exhausted too. His hair had been shaved off, he had burns and cuts all over his body. His eyes were red and there were large circles under his eyes. His lips were chafed and snot was always coming out his nose. His one arm was cut off, and his other hand it still bleeding.

It was horrid. It was horrid to see him this way.

"You don't negotiate with Terrorists you say?" The man stated and I stared at him in fear. What do you mean? Weren't Matt, Eddie and Eric doing everything they could to get us back? Did these men give them an offer and they refused? Why would they do that?

I then saw the gun. Wait what? When did he get that gun? The last time he had thrown knives in both of our knees, and it had fucking hurt. But I wouldn't show them any pain. Mike stared at the man and he then looked at me. I didn't understand why he was looking at me. I looked back at him, tears streaming down my face. "I think you guys need to be reminded that just because the rest of the world don't follow your barbaric rules, that that doesn't mean we are terrorists." The guy said and tears were streaming down Mike's face as he closed his eyes and he put his head down for a couple of seconds. What was he doing?

After five seconds, he looked up and he looked straight into the camera. Everything then went in slow motion at that moment. It was as if my whole world stopped. The man turned around and pointed his gun towards Mike. Mike kept looking into the camera, not even looking at the man. I let screams escape my mouth, over my gag, begging the man not to do it. But before I could even open my mouth, the bullet escaped the gun and I looked at Mike and Mike kept staring in the camera, before the bullet hit right between his eyes.

My whole body was in pain as screams escaped my mouth over and over again. I didn't realise I still had this much fire in me. I kept on screaming and screaming over and over again as Mike's head was hung low and I tried to get closer to him. But I got slapped hard in the face, before the men walked away.

My whole body imploded and exploded at the same time. Not only was the physical pain so fucking overpowering that I wanted to die- the anguish, the hurt, it broke me. It broke me. Mike- He couldn't be- They couldn't't do this. I tried to fight the chains to get to Mike. Every single movement hurt my body. But I didn't care- I had to be with Mike. Mike had to be with me. I didn't care that I had brain matter of his over my body, I didn't care that blood had gotten onto me. He wasn't dead. He couldn't be dead. It would- why would they do this. They couldn't do this. No- My body- the wind was knocked out of me. I knew my eyes were wide; and I couldn't get them to become less wide. I needed to be with Mike. I needed to be with Mike.





Suddenly the chains that I was connected to, loosened and I crawled over towards Mike, every single millimetre that I moved hurt; my whole body hurt, but Mike- No.



"Noo." I screamed over and over again as Mike's chains had been loosened all the way and he fell on his side. I leaned over him and kept on screaming and screaming.

I didn't hear a heartbeat.

I didn't feel warmth.

Mike was dead.

And with his death, they took my sanity with him.

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