Chapter 53

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"YOU ASSHOLE. YOU ASSHOLE. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT. YOU COULDN'T HAVE FUCKING WAITED FOR ONE FUCKING MINUTE. YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT." Danny yelled as she walked in. I looked up at her, holding onto Papa's hands as tight as possible. My eyes widened as I looked at her. She didn't- I didn't recognise her. Her whole face was red, her eyes were bloodshot, but they showed a fury I had never seen in my life.

 Never in my life. 

"THEY WERE WAITING UNTILL YOU TUNED IN. YOU COULD'VE WAITED. YOU- I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU." She yelled and she threw a chair towards me and I bend down a bit and papa did too.

"Danny. Calm down." Papa said as he stood up and stood in front of me. "Whatever you might feel towards your brother, he first of all is the leader king of this country, secondly, he just lost his twin brother. You as a twin sister should-"

"YES I FUCKING KNOW WHAT THAT IS LIKE BECAUSE LOTTIE JUST HAD A HEART ATTACK ADN DIED PAPA." She yelled back at me. "NOW LET ME TORTURE THE SHIT OUT OF THAT FUCKING HEARTLESS ASSHOLE." She said as I stood up and I looked at Papa who froze and Danny's eyes widened as she looked at Papa now and I looked at Papa in shock. No? She couldn't be- I couldn't have- two siblings in one day? That was- No. That was impossible. It must be a lie. 

"What?" Papa breathed looking at Danny.

"O fuck." Danny whispered as her eyes widened and tears appeared in her eyes. "You didn't know?" But Papa didn't answer and he ran past Danny and out the door and muttered something about 'Olivia'. I looked at him and my heart it- it- I couldn't. Mum lost two of her children in one day, fuck. I lost- I couldn't- Danny- I- I looked at Danny and Danny stared back at me.

"I'm sorry." I stammered softly, I could barely talk, my lungs- my throat. "I didn't mean it- I just. She- He." I said and I pointed towards the broken screen and I looked back at her. "I'." I said and I couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe.

"Fuck." Danny said and she walked up towards me and she wrapped her arms around me and I held onto her as tightly as possible.

The two of us stood like that for what felt like ever. We had both not only lost a sibling, but also our other half.

The fact that Lottie had died, the lightest person in the fucking world.

It broke me beyond repair.


It was good that Gotar had enough people to torture, because it was fucking happy hour for our whole family. We all took a week off to mourn Lottie and Mike. We all took our time to put our revenge on the wrong people. I didn't give a fuck about the rest of the world right now. Everyone could wait. 

Even Kitty.

Not that I didn't think she wasn't important enough to be saved. It was the opposite. But we had no leads and I could barely breathe, let alone think right now. I overheard Aunt Carrie and Aunt Rose speaking once, I heard them state that I was a lot like papa, that I shut down in the same way that he had. This was because I didn't feel like talking.

 I didn't feel like breathing either, but I knew I couldn't do that to Kitty, I couldn't abandon her. I couldn't do this to Eddie and Eric. Eddie wasn't ready to be the leader king; although Oliver would make a great king of security and war. Although that did mean that the whole world would burn before the sun came back up the next day. 

But they could do it together right? 


I couldn't do that to them. 

I couldn't be so selfish. 

I couldn't let Eric down. 

Eric would go mental with those two fighting about stupid shit. 

But the person I couldn't do this to the most was mum. She had already lost two children, I couldn't do that to her. I couldn't break her heart even more.

The person that was almost as broken as Mum and I, was Danny. She was broken in a different way though. She hadn't slept for the past seven days, literally not a minute, she had spend all of them in the Ring of Hell. She had tortured everyone. But after seven days of torture, she shut down and fell asleep.

It had been a week since we lost two siblings, and it was now time for the first meeting in which we discussed what we would do as a counter attack. I had decided, well no I hadn't protested, the idea that the whole family could join. Well direct family- it were my sisters, my brothers, my parents, Carrie, Rose, Freya, Isla, Eli and Finn. The last two mainly because of the fact that they were fucking sick in the head.

It would be a meeting that would cement the legacy of our country.

This meeting would be studied by children in schools in hundreds, thousands of years from now. 

This meeting would go down in fucking history.

And me? 

I barely even participated, until I needed to. 

And then, the world burned. 


Soooooo.... What do we think?

Are we missing Mike as much as I am? What about Lottie?

Where do you think the story will go from here? What do you think the meeting will be about?

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