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I heard the alarm going on with a song that I loved. I stood up right away and walked towards the kitchen that I had here. I put on a kettle and I turned up the music a bit as I moved my body to the music. I grabbed my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth, grabbing my wild hair and putting it beside my face to spit it out. I raised my arms and I then did some dance moves and I laughed very loudly as I adjusted my too large shirt.

I walked towards the post area and I opened it up and I had my 3daily groceries and I smiled very widely as I grabbed it and I put it all where it was supposed to be. I then saw a letter and I frowned as I grabbed it and I saw that it stated that we couldn't shower today, and that we had to be on our best behaviour or whatever? I looked at that and I couldn't help but scoff. I threw that letter away and I turned up the music a bit as it was from this singer called 'Troya', whom was a dragster. I watched all seasons of Rupauls drag race and Troya's drag race.

I walked up towards the window and I realised it was raining and the sea was going absolutely mental and I giggled at that. It was a wild day today; good. I loved wild days.

I walked over towards my bathroom area and I looked in the mirror for a second, staring back at my sea blue eyes. The freckles that were all over my face, like always, were a great difference compared to my pale skin. My orange curly hair that went all over the place, was well, going all over the place. I grabbed a brush and tried to readjust it a bit but then scoffed, leaving it be.

I giggled as I then walked towards the closet that I had and looked at the different types of clothes. I took off the shirt I was wearing and I put on my simple bra, it was a bralette according to my Priestess. I then put on a simple white shirt and a pair of jeans and I turned up the music a bit more and I jumped up and down excited. I always woke up like this.

I don't remember living anywhere but in this area. I had two big rooms, one where my bed was along with the kitchen, then one where I had my sports area and also the bathroom area. I also had gotten a couch for by the window to watch the waters. I only need to ask what I wanted and I got it.

I knew there was a bigger purpose for me, they hinted at that. When they came two weeks ago with camera's to ask me questions about me and have me give a tour of my room, I knew that something special was happening. In the past weeks they cleaned up our places even more thoroughly, as if something special was going to happen; I didn't really understand, nor did I really care about it. I was just happy something exciting was happening.

Ever since I was a little girl I was in this room, different Priestesses came here and taught me all kinds of things about the world and about our religion; Seglusm. They also taught me math and all that kind of stuff; but I was 'outlearned' when I was sixteen. According to them at least. So for the past three years I excersized, and danced, and read books and just had the best time ever by myself. I didn't mind being by myself.

I looked out the window and let out a deep breath; my biggest dream, my biggest wish, was to explore the world. I had seen so much of it on the tv and I just wanted to get a backpack and explore the world. I knew that we were in Locatlie though, I knew that I couldn't actually travel the world, but a girl could hope? Couldn't she? I had asked if I was allowed to travel any time soon, about two years ago, they told me that that wasn't allowed. Which sucked, but I guess that was my world. I didn't mind. They gave me food, they gave me an education, they gave me a place to stay, they allowed me to listen to music. What else could I want?

Well, there was one thing I desperately wanted, something I'd seen so many movies and shows about; love. I wanted to be loved, I wanted to experience love, I wanted to experience heartbreak. I had never met a guy in my life, and sometimes I thought they didn't exist, but the Priestess told me that my time would come one day. They never explained to me why I couldn't explore the world, although it could have to do with the fact that I might be too dangerous for the outside world?

When I was younger, I loved chasing the rats that sometimes appeared here in my room, and I often caught them. I would hang them up by their tails and talk to them like they were my friends. Maybe they thought that was weird? I had no idea. I didn't mind. I loved talking to my rats. I loved my life here. But I just wanted to explore the world with a guy that loved me.

Another song came on and I moved my body to the music as I then put on my stove and I put my hands up in the air and grabbed my hair and shook my head laughing again. I then burned my hand a bit but I just licked it; I couldn't actually feel pain. Well I felt it, but it didn't bother me. I put my eggs on the bread that I had and I put it by the table on my couch and I watched the waves and the outside world in front of me as I ate.

I stood up after a while though and grabbed some books and I went and laid on my couch the wrong way, not that I cared really, my legs up and my head down as I read the book as I moved my legs to the music. I then saw something in the corner of my eyes; a rat, and I giggled as I stood up and I ran after it, grabbing it.

"Gotcha." I said laughing. "You really thought you could steal my food." I said and I then grabbed a nail and hung him next to another rat that I had caught about a week ago. They allowed me to hang these rats here, but they had to leave after two weeks because of the smell or something. I hung it there and I then wiped some sweat from my forehead, before I went and laid down again and I giggled as I saw that the rat was trying to get away; he wasn't dead you see?

I then grabbed my knife that I had here and I threw it, without looking towards the rat. I looked up at it and it got stabbed right in the heart and I cheered at that. I decided to exercise and I went towards the boxing ring. I took off my pants now and threw them through the room into the hamper and I started to beat the shit out of something,. I loved the feeling of hitting something, and it making a noise. After a while, the sack fell and I grabbed it and hung it up. I grabbed a heavy backpack, training for later, and put it on my back as I had this 'staircase' machine and I started to walk up it while looking at the tv; watching a show called 'how I met your mother' and I giggled and laughed at loads of things.

Before I knew it, it was time for dinner, and I made some pasta for myself before I ate it at my table. Afterwards I brushed my teeth and I went and laid in bed and read a book, before I feel asleep.

This was how my days were for the next two days, and I didn't mind it as much.

It wasn't until Saturday, that the door opened and I sat up from my couch, sitting normally, and I saw two priestesses walking in.

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