Chapter 126

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"Babe." I said dryly as I walked into the informal breakfast area. I knew that Eddie had just landed mere minutes ago and had just walked in and sat down for breakfast. It had been 6 weeks since the festival and I was close to bursting in my opinion, which was just annoying as fuck. My belly was large, and I could walk but I felt like a giant. My hair was all over the place, even if Eric helped me wash my hair every other day, but it just went all over the place and I decided I wasn't even going to bother with it. My clothing really was just wearing Eddie's shirt and a pair of his underwear for the past week. I didn't care how I looked or what kind of negative effect it might have on my husbands, I was carrying three children in my fucking belly.

Eddie had been gone for two fucking weeks to work in Gotar, which was just annoying and rude in my opinion. He looked up and his face beamed as he saw me, which in return annoyed me.

"Yes?" He said and I sat down not greeting him, which confused him.

"I've decided if these demons aren't out of me in a week, I'm going to demand you to cut them out of me. They don't agree, but I'm sure you will." I said and he stared at me for a couple of seconds, trying to process what I was saying before he carefully nodded.

"Right. That sounds, disturbing." Eddie said. "We can talk about maybe doing a planned C-section though?"

"Good." I said and I grabbed Eric' sandwich whom accepted it and I took a bite before spitting it out. "This is absolutely revolting." I said and I handed it back to him and Matt gave me his food. "Thanks me amore." I said and I started to eat it and Eddie was staring at me with a small smile. "We finished the nurseries in all the wings by the way, they're identical."

"And what is your plan in terms of the first weeks after the birth in terms of you know, where you're going to stay and where they're going to stay?" He asked and I nodded staring at him.

"I'm doing the family wing nursery and the room next to it has been renovated as well with the same bed that you have in Gotar because it's just so darn comfortable and we'll switch off there. The room next to it has also been renovated in a study of sorts where you guys can work, along with two beds."

"Great." Eddie nodded looking at me and he had a small smile and that annoyed me. "Am I like? Am I missing something?" He said looking at Eric and Eric shook his head.

"O no, she is just annoyed at our beauty and just our overall presence at the moment." Eric said. "Because we put those babies in her."

"O of course, yes no that's totally valid." Eddie said nodding looking at Matt whom had a small smile on his face. The help then handed him a new plate, but I grabbed that and started eating it too and he gave the help a look whom nodded. "Are they active?"

"They are." I sighed dramatically. "My life is a hell. This is pure torture. Maybe that's a thing we can do to female inmates, impregnate them with like 10 children at once."

"What about the kids after that?" Eddie said staring at me with a very confused look.

"Yeah, that- I didn't get that far. You're going too far in terms of planning. I'm just talking about this pain and discomfort." I explained and he nodded looking at me for a second. "By the way, your clothes that are here, are our clothes now. Eric and Matt's clothing are both too tight for me because then you basically see my butt."

"Good to know." He confirmed. "Love the outfit."

"Thank you. I am obsessed with your underwear, Matt ordered some extra's because some of them got ruined."

"How did they get ruined?"

"Pee. Lots of pee."

"Washing machine?"

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