Chapter 68

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I hadn't had a nightmare, nor a dream. It had been black, it had been fast, it had been deep and calming. It was the best sleep I had had in years in my opinion. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, as I was trying to take in my surroundings with just feeling and something was different when I was laying in bed. I felt an arm around me, I felt a body against mine, I felt someone breathing against my hair. I felt my head against a chest. What? I opened my eyes and backed away slowly, not wanting to wake up the person who was next to me, until I knew if I had to panic. I took in my surroundings a bit more as I backed away; I was wearing clothes and the person next to me was wearing clothes too.

Eddie was laying next to me, he had his arms around me and our legs were intertwined. He had his other arm under his head on top of the pillow and he looked so peaceful. There was a calmness spread on his face. He was in a deep sleep.

I couldn't help but look at his face for a bit, seeing his curly hair going all over the place, he had a perfect face. I couldn't describe it any other way than it being perfection. I could understand why I fell in love with that face, because that face was made by the gods themselves. There was no other explanation for something as beautiful as him.

I tried to remember what had happened last night and it then hit me; the guy trying to attack me, Eddie coming to my rescue, us talking before I fell asleep. He probably took me home and fell asleep next to me or something? I had no idea really. All I knew was that I slept well, for the first time. My breathing was normal right now. There was no panic, no pain in my body. It felt weird, it felt surreal really.

A strand of his perfect curls had gone in front of his face as he moved his head a bit and that annoyed me. I didn't want that. I put my hand away from his chest, putting the other arm under my head in the same way he had, and I put the strand of his curl away from his eyes. When I did that, he opened his eyes and I observed that.

They widened for a second, before he closed them, before he opened them again and his green met my blue. It was as if I saw everything in those eyes in the two seconds after that. There was no wall up, there was no wall to protect himself from me, from his feelings towards me. There was no self preservation, there was no need for him to hide his true feelings for me, because he had just awoken and he didn't think about anything else right now, apart from his feelings and it was intense. There was intensity and love in his eyes. Then for the two seconds after that, I saw all that crashing down, before he was preparing himself to build that wall. There was a sadness in his eyes, a longing, a missing, a wishful thinking. But then his wall came up and he blinked a couple of times before stretching his arm that was over my waist for a second, before placing it back on there.

It was weird, because I didn't like people touching me, but with him I didn't seem to mind. It was comforting, it was over the covers as well, so he wasn't directly touching me. It felt great.

"Good morning." He said and his voice was much deeper than I remembered, but then I thought back on all other mornings that we had woken up together, and just after he woke, his voice would always be a tad deeper. It was attractive in some way. I smiled looking at him as I placed my hand on his chest again.

"Good morning.' I whispered back. "How did we get here?" I said as I turned to my back and sat up for a second to stretch my arms before I went and laid back down in the same way, he readjusted his arm a bit so I could lay my head on there, as if he knew I wanted that. Well of course he knew, we laid like this for so many nights apparently, he knew exactly how I wanted to lay. I put my legs against his again and he put one leg up and I put my leg between that before I put the other leg over his leg.

"You fell asleep." He whispered softly as he put a strand of my hair away from me, the gesture being so small, but it meant so much to me. I felt my heart swoon, I felt my whole body becoming a puddle of content, he then put his hand back over my waist, under the covers this time, but I didn't mind, I loved the feeling. "I placed you on the bed and I took off your jacket, not your shirt nor pants though." He said carefully. "You didn't want to let go of me though, you apparently did the same thing with Matt. So I waited until you fell asleep completely and would let go of me and I would know you were safe, but I fell asleep in that process. I'm sorry if I overstepped." He said and I nodded carefully looking at him.

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