Chapter 92

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When the sun arrived, I realised I was close to falling asleep and I wanted to do that in a bed. I walked back up the path and that's when I saw that Oliver was standing at the place we had stood just days ago, looking out at Gotar. He looked sideways for a second before he stared back ahead. I walked up towards him and I let out a deep breath.

"You going back to Askad?" I whispered, as my throat just hurt like shit. He put his hand through his hair for a second as he stared ahead with a small smile.

"No." He said and I frowned looking at the airplane and I then stared back ahead at him. "I'm first going to go to Yordan to pick up my life, I'm going to fuck the shits out of her, and then I'm going to ask her hand in marriage after the security meeting in six months and then next year I'm going to put a ring on that finger of hers and never let her out of sight." He said and tears appeared in my eyes as I looked at Oliver. He said it so casually, as if it was nothing. As if he wasn't declaring his undying love for the woman he loved. It was as if he was telling me the grocery list for tomorrow.

"You're weird." I said and I turned my head back towards the sky and he smiled a bit at that and he took a deep breath.

"Says the girl whom word for word said what my idiot of a brother said, even using the same tone and everything." He whispered softly and I smiled as I put my arm in between his arm and my head on his arm. He turned his head sideways and gave the top of my head a kiss.

"I just got him back" I whispered as I kept hold of Oliver a bit tighter. "And now I'm just supposed to leave him? How did they do it? How could they do it?" I said and he smiled a bit looking at me as I then looked back at him.

"Because they knew, that at the end of the day, you'd come back. The same way that Eddie will come back to you, one day. And when that happens, it'll all be worth the wait. Apparently?" He said with a shrug. "I didn't get that closure, I never knew if I could go back to my girl."

"True." I muttered and he chuckled at that a bit.

"He'll come back to you one day." He whispered and I nodded as I looked at him.

"Tell Naomi to call me when you're done ruining her body." I demanded and he nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up and he hugged.

"You stay strong. You can do this. Enjoy this time you have with Eric and Matt. Get to know them again and build the trust you have with me, with them." He demanded grabbing my face with one hand and I nodded looking at him. "And then, when I see you at the security summit again, I want to see a happy Kitty ok?"

"I'll try."

"No. I'll see a happy Kitty."

"Fine." I whispered and he chuckled as I then gave him a quick peck and a hug. "Go, she's probably waiting for you. Does she know you're coming?"

"No." I laughed at that a bit and I nodded as he let go of me and I walked with him towards the airplane. "Have fun fucking." I said as Matt and Eric walked up at that moment and Oliver smiled.

"You too." He winked and I flipped him off and he smiled as he gave that op of my head a kiss before he climbed in.

I then turned around and Eric and Matt were both wearing their king suits and talking to each other, keeping their distance from me. I looked at Matt and he put his hand through his hair the same way that Oliver did, making me smile a bit. I took a couple of steps back before I was on the 'safety line' and I was standing a couple of meters away from Eric and Matt.

I was silent as I watched the plane take off, before turning around and going south.

"Where is he off to? Askad is North?" Eric said as he walked to me and I stared at the plane and tears appeared in my eyes.

"Getting his heart back." I said as I turned my head to look at Eric and Eric nodded slowly looking at me. "I'm tired." I stated as at that moment our plane arrived and I stared at that and then back at him.

"Well, let's get you a bed then." 

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