Chapter 51

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A week later, I was still sitting in this meeting area along with my generals. We were discussing how we could attack different countries if need be. We were discussing how we would get our planes there and our weapons. While this was happening, we were trying to figure out where she was; where they were.

We had cut off money all around the world, the world going into chaos in the past week. Nobody could access their money anymore. All planes were also grounded and we even had a new system where all trains were shut off. The whole world was going into chaos at the moment and there was panic all around the world; they were wondering what on earth had happened. This was because the world had no idea what had happened to my brother and my wife yet. They hadn't made it public and I wasn't going to be a fucking idiot and make it public without first figuring out what on earth they wanted from us and where they were.

But I didn't have time to deal with this right now, because Eddie walked in and turned on the tv to some channel, I had no idea what it was, but I knew that it wasn't public because what they were showing it wasn't meant to be public.

My heart sank through my body as I saw Mike on the right. He had lost an arm, he had lost- they had cut off his arm. His other arm was all slashed up, just like his chest. His hair had been shaven off. If it wasn't for the birthmark on his chest, I wouldn't have known it was him with the way he looked. He was full on naked. I saw everything. There was blood everywhere and I recognised some bruises on his legs, that meant that he hadn't just suffered through physical torture; but also sexual abuse. FUCK.

To the left, my heart broke into a billion pieces as I saw my wife hanging there, or what was left of my wife. They had only had her for about a week, but she looked nothing like my wife. Her hair had been shaven off, there were cuts all over her body, blood marks, and her- it was immensely clear she had gone through sexual torture too.

They were both sitting on their knees, their arms raised. She was naked and I hated seeing her naked. This wasn't- NO.

I didn't hear the man talking, I was staring at Mike and Kitty. Mike was staring straight into the camera with this look that scared me, fucking hell. And Kitty? She was looking at Mike, tears streaming down her face. This made me think that she hadn't seen Mike all that much or something? Then I saw him doing something with his hand and I grabbed a pen. He first signed the 'S' and a little while later the 'H' before they signed the 'I' and lastly the 'P'. Ship. They were on a ship. Good to know. God I loved him. He was amazing. He was- I had to protect him.

But I couldn't protect him from the knives that were thrown at them, nor the beating he got. But something that I did get; was him signing in Local with his one hand while he was being beaten up. I froze entirely at what he signed. I didn't want to think about that- I couldn't possibly?

'Don't give them shit. They will kill me. Find her. Save her. I love you. Burn them to the fucking ground. Find her.'

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