Level 2:Why Is It Always Me That Has To Be Tortured!!

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Level 2: Why Is It Always Me That Has To Be Tortured.

"Miss Lynch, what do you think you're doing?" Mr. Clarkson said. I ignored him and continued to doodle.

"Miss Lynch answer when I am talking to you!" He shouted.

"Nothing!" I snapped.

"This is your first day back Kaitlin and-"

"I am aware" I interrupted him. Okay yes, I know I have an attitude but today is not my day.

Blame the asshole aka Leon.

"Stand up right now" he ordered. I stood up and rolled my eyes as everyone's staring at me.

"I have heard enough about you with Mr. Johnson and the lack of respect you have treated him. Now, I might not have been here when you were, but this is NOT how you treat members of staff"

 I leaned on the table and sighed. All I want to do is go home, sleep,and eat. Unfortunately, I have to be stuck in Jail.

Yes, school is jail.

"I expect a written apology to Mr. Johnson" he demanded. 

"Written apology, ha that's funny." I laughed but his face stayed serious "Oh wait. You're being serious? Written apology my ass"

"Excuse me!" He shouted

Damn it, Kaitlin. 

"Did I say that out loud?" I whispered. "Oh crap, I'm doing it again"

"Kaitlin, I thought you were a nerd?" Some blonde bimbo said.

"Oh, you actually speak when Lexi isn't around? Leave me alone I'm too tired for this" I snapped. 

"Miss Lynch!"

"Mr. Clarkson!" 

"How dare you!" That's it, he's blowing my mind!

"How dare I? I was minding my business the whole lesson then you called me out. Saying how I treated staff wrong! Screw Mr. Johnson, he's on his man period because he hated me since freaking middle school. I literally can't take any more of teachers shouting at me because you know where that led me, meeting the biggest jerk ever"

I panted from my outburst. There was no turning back, I was at my tipping point and Mr. Clarkson was the cherry on top. The whole room went silent and his face turned red with anger.

I'm not making anything better for myself for Christ's sake...

I winced in embarrassment. "Omg, sir I'm so sorry, I have this thing which makes me say whatever-"

"DETENTION" he held out a slip. I grabbed all my belongings grabbed the slip and walked out of the classroom with my head down. Yuppie.

I groaned out loud and mentally cursed at myself for not being able to keep my mouth shut. It's the way that when teachers shout at you, they make you feel as if you're a child which I hate. They like to pick and choose when you're a 'young lady' or 'nearly an adult'. 

"Kaitlin!" Charlie called my name from the end of the corridor. 

I looked up and smiled in relief. "Hey, Charles" he jogged up to me and flung his arm over my shoulder. 

"Why are you walking this way? Oh well do you want a ride home after school, I'm on a free period so we can leave now?"

"Can't" I sighed. 

"Can't?" He furrowed

"I've got detention" 

He stopped walking then burst into laughter. I blinked at him in confusion while he literally cackled in the corridor. 

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