Level 18: You're Warming Up On Me Miller

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Level 18: You're Warming Up On Me Miller

Ariana ran into my arms and wept in them. Leon, still in shock mode turned around and gasped.

"I said, What the hell have you done?!" I shouted again.

"Ariana" he stepped forward worried, but Ariana squealed and hid behind me.

"It's okay Ariana, Sssh. It's going to be fine" I turned around and kneeled, so I could soothe her.

"SHE'S SMILING AT ME!" Leon shouted. I looked up and saw Ariana, still crying.

Is Leon high or something?

"Are you alright Leon? I asked concerned. 

"No, not really." He shook his head and sat on the couch. Ariana finally stopped crying and walked over to her brother. Leon's head is in his hands, so he can't see her standing right by him.

I cleared my throat loudly, so he looked up. He jumped up off the couch and backed up by the wall in fear.

"GET AWAY FROM ME DEMON CHILD!" He yelled and held his hands in front of him. Ariana ran back towards me, crying again.

"Le-le- Leon, ha-. Leon hates me!" she sobbed. I picked her up and she cried on my shoulder. I glared at Leon and he kept changing his expression. Fear and Confusion.

What is going on!?

"I'm going to make her some food. In the meantime, sort yourself out, okay?" I said uneasily. I gave him one last glance and walked into the kitchen. I sat Ariana on the kitchen counter and moved her curly hair out of her face.

"How can I cheer you up sweetheart?" I smiled. She wiped her eyes and giggled.

"Can you make some?" she stopped in thought. "Brownies please" she grinned.

Of course, she would pick the only thing I suck at. Anything to do with a kitchen.

Considering I eat SO MUCH, I never once learned how to cook. It makes me so sad when I see those delicious foods on Instagram and knowing that I will never be able to even attempt them.

"Sure, I'll try" I really didn't want to let her down considering how sad she was over Leon.

"Leon, how do you make brownies?" I called.

"Get the hell out of my kitchen Kaitlin! Do not touch, ANYTHING" He shouted back.

"But your sister-" he walked inside and glared at me.

"Out!" he jabbed his thumb to the door.

"Why" I whined.

"Because you're terrible at cooking, and I don't want to call the fire brigade. So out. I'll make food"

"Ha, you're probably a worser cook than me idiot, so step aside Miller" I snorted.

"Firstly, worser is not a word, secondly I can cook" he smirked.

"Leon, can you make the special brownies please" Ariana smiled.

"So now you don't want to kill me? Did you finally calm the hell down?" he said dis-pleasingly.

"Sorry Leon" she leaned in to kiss his cheek, but Leon picked her up and spun her in circles. She burst out in a fit of giggles.

I smiled at the sight as this is how my dad used to treat me when I was little.

"Leon, pretty girl is crying" Ariana spoke out. I looked up and touched my cheek. There's only one wet tear streak which I quickly wipe away. I could feel Leon's heavy, intimidating gaze on me, which I hated, but this one gave me an odd feeling in my stomach.

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