Level 9: Cameron Put Your Dingaling Away!

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Level 9: Cameron put your Dingaling away

"YOU'RE WITH WHO!" Lucy screeched down the phone. I pulled it away from my ear while she ranted.

"Are you done?" I interrupted her. 

"Kaitlin you don't understand, you're hanging out with the hottest boys in Bridleway, minus one. Everyone would die for this!" She said.

Out of all of my major big humongous group of 3 friends, Lucy is the most girliest. 

"Lucy, they're just regular boys," I said. 

"BAD BOYS. SUPERHOT SEXY BAD BOYS KAITLIN!" She shouted which made me pull the phone from my ear again. 

"Lucy stop shouting! I've got to go; I've been stalling for far too long" 

 I need to get out of this nasty bathroom which I've been hiding in for the past 10 minutes. 

"Wait! What did you need?" she asked. 

"Oh yeah, your ranting made me forget. What's the thing called when you put the long stick in the small hole with the hard balls?"

"Um sex?" she said in a duh tone. 

I mentally face palmed myself. "The game Lucy"

"Ohhh, Pool" She laughed until realisation hit her, and she died down. "Kaitlin, what have you been saying it's called," she said in a warning tone.

"The whole description I just said," I said sheepishly. "Which is why google wasn't a great resource"

"I'm going to end the call"

"Noooo, don't end the call" I groaned.

"Goodbye Kaitlin" she deadpanned. 

"Luc- "

Dut dut dut

I hate that stupid iPhone sound

I straightened myself up and walked out of the dirty bathroom. To be honest, the little bar looked terrible, worn out, and disgusting on the outside. I thought the boys brought me here to kill me but inside it's actually alright, besides the toilets. They have a bar, pool tables, arcade games for gambling, and regular bar stuff.

Never judge a book by its cover kids. 

I'm assuming it's a little discreet location since there weren't a lot of people here and the workers are serving underage drinkers,  aka the boys I'm with now.

"Katyboo you're back, I was starting to think you died" Cameron grinned.

I chuckled and nudged him with my elbow playfully. I've grown to like Cameron a lot. He doesn't take life seriously and always wants to have fun. He acts like a child but it's comforting and hilarious. It reminds me of the time where I could be carefree also. 

"This isn't fair Cameron, I don't have a nickname for you" 

"Just call me your knight in shining armor" he giggled. Is he tipsy?

"Yeah, that's not happening" I sang in a high-pitched voice. I patted his curly chocolate brown hair while he pouted. I walk over to Mason who sat at the bar, talking to the barmaid.

"Masey" I grinned. 

Mason on the other hand has been nothing but nice to me. He's actually such a gentleman and treats me with respect, unlike his asshole friend. Him, being extremely hot is a bonus as well. 

"Kaitlin. Having fun?" His face lit up and he smiled while I sat down opposite him. He was about to drink a shot of alcohol until I snatched it off him.

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