The Finale (Epilogue)

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5 years later

"Peaches come on! We're going to be late" Leon shouted for the one-thousandth time.

"Leon! As I told you, 50 seconds ago. I'M COMING!" I yelled back. "Shouting at me is not making me go faster!"

He walked into our bedroom "What are you even doing?" he furrowed. I put my leg down and slowly sat up, trying not to make my aching pain any worse.

"I can't tie my stupid shoelace" I groaned. Leon stood at the door frame, his eyes widened, and he put his hand over his mouth.

"Leon Tate Miller, don't you dare" I sneered.

He burst out laughing. "I'm sorry Kaitlin, but you're rolling around on the bed like an egg, trying to tie, your shoelace" he laughed. I took my shoe off and threw it at him which he dodged easily. 5 years later and his still unbelievably athletic.

"Hey. No throwing" he said.

"No insulting" I deadpanned.

"Come on. I'll tie your shoelace and we'll start to head up to San Francisco, we're already running late, and we don't want to be driving for too long, you hate long car rides, they make you more nauseous" Leon said and knelt in front of me.

"I want to stay in bed. I'm tired and I don't feel well" I yawned as Leon tied my shoelaces.

"Come on Kait-" the sound of our doorbell cut him off. "Who could that be?"

I shrugged and laid back on the bed, suddenly feeling exhausted. Leon stood up and walked out of our room to our front door.

"SURPRISE!" I heard loads of people shout. I furrowed and sat up, but I instantly felt dizzy.

Something is definitely not right.

"Where is my best friend" Emily squealed and walked into the bedroom. I furrowed as all my friends came walking in. Emily, Cameron, Mason, and Jake.

"I thought we were meeting in San Francisco?" Leon said as he walked into the room also.

"Well, Kaitlin said she hasn't been feeling well so we wanted to come down and keep her company for the trip back to San Fran" Emily said. "And I couldn't just wait to see how much the bump grew. How far now?"

"8 and a half" I smiled.

Oh yeah. I'm pregnant.

A lot has happened these past 5 years. Leon and I moved into this apartment around 4 years ago and 2 years ago we got married. Cameron and Emily are officially engaged and living with each other, Lucy is a midwife, and in fact my midwife, Masons continuing with his successful football career and Jakes been traveling around the world.

We're all happy. Well kind of. Every inch on my body is aching.

Every. Single. Inch.

"Are you feeling any better?" Mason asked.

"Not really" I shrugged. "It comes and goes"

"Maybe its contractions?" Jake suggested.

"What!" Leon said alarmed. "If its contractions then we need to go to the hospital, now"

I chuckled at him. "Leon I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital unless my contractions are regular and are less than 5 minutes apart" I said. I put my hand on Leon's shoulder and slowly stood up.

I clenched my eyes shut from the pain. "It's not that bad. I can handle it."

"Aw, Katyboo isn't feeling well. Let me give you a hug" Cameron wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. I stiffened as I felt something leak out of me.

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