Level 19: You Like Me Don't You?

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Level 19: You Like Me Don't You?

"Lynch you have two minutes or you're walking to school" Leon grunted from the other side of the door.

"I'm coming, hold on" I slipped on my last boot while hoping to open the door. Leon leaned on the door frame wearing a hoodie with his usual black jeans and converse. 

He dresses so casually but still looks hot, I can't relate.

"We're going to be late. I'm going in the car. Grab a breakfast bar in the kitchen and let's go" he jogged down the stairs and out of the front door.

I sighed and walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Morning" I smiled at Carren and Ariana. Carren is fixing her hair in the microwave mirror while Ariana is still eating her breakfast. 

"Hey, pretty girl" Ariana grinned. Carren looked at Ariana and smiled slightly, or maybe it was a smirk since it does run in the genes.

"Can we finish our game later, remember? Cops and robbers" she beamed.

My heart dropped in fear. Ariana may be the cutest little girl ever, but she's dangerous and I still have the bruises to prove it. I still love her though.

"Sure Ari" I smiled and ruffled her curly hair.

"Hey Kaitlin, sleep well?" Carren asked.

"Yup, the bed felt like I was sleeping on a cloud" I grinned. I heard Leon beep his car horn, signaling me to hurry up.

"Carren, do you have-" She handed me a breakfast bar and a bottle of water.

"Have a good day sweetie" she hugged me goodbye and walked over to Ariana to clean her face as she has milk everywhere.

"You too" I smiled.

Leon beeped his horn again and I rolled my eyes. 

"Walk slowly to the car to teach Leon what patience is" Carren chuckled.

"I will" I laughed. I opened the front door and walked to his car and got in.

"Finally" he muttered while putting the car into reverse and pulling out. I saw the front door to my own house open and out came Dawn, taking the trash to the bin.

She should put herself in it as well. 

She noticed the car and looked at me. I sneered at her, but she simply grinned at me and flicked her hair. I stuck my middle finger out and pressed it against the window while Leon drove down the street.

"Are you hot? I'm hot" he groaned.

"We're in November. How are you remotely close to even being warm?" I furrowed.

"I'm hot" he groaned again. He opened the window on both sides letting the hard, loud wind blow through the car.

"LEON! I STRAIGHTENED MY HAIR FOR GOD'S SAKE!" I tried to pat my hair down, but the wind kept blowing it everywhere.

"But I'm hot" 

"Put the Air Con on!" I screeched.

"Alright, alright. Calm down" he closed the window and clicked the air conditioner button. I pulled down the little car mirror and grunted as my straight hair is now tangled and frizzy. I groaned while rummaging around my backpack to find my spare hairbrush.

Once I found it I brushed through my hair and put it in a high messy bun, leaving a few strands of hair out.

"Your hair looks better like that" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and hit him with the hairbrush before putting it back into my bag. We are about 2 blocks away from school. Hopefully, we'll make it by the scrape of the bell.

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