Extra Chapter #2

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Extra Chapter #2



The gang is just a fucked-up escape to get away from my fucked-up life. My asshole of a father only came back to impregnate my mother with another child, then he promised us that he would come back and visit. I haven't seen him since Ariana was born. 

Yes, I may be a pessimistic, selfish, cold asshole, but there's nothing I wouldn't do for the girls in my life. Which only remain of my sisters, Chelsea, and Ariana and my Mom.

I don't do relationships. What's the point? They always end up as a waste of time. Throughout my life, I watched my dad try to be there for my mom and he failed to do so. So why should I pretend to be something I'm not. It runs through my blood to not care.

I moved the girl's arm off my waist and put a cigarette in my mouth.

"Come back to bed" the girl murmured. I didn't bother to remember her name. Seth threw another party here so he could rush some guys that pissed him off, I don't know... I was too drunk and whoever this girl is was easy enough to get in bed.

"It's time for you to get out" I rolled my eyes, lit the cigarette and walked out the room. I slammed the door shut so she can wake up and get the fuck out.

I rubbed my tired eyes and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Well, sleeping beauty finally woke up" Seth smirked while eating his cereal.

I raised my middle finger at him while walking to the cupboard to make a bowl of cereal for myself.

"Who woke up beside you tonight then?" he raised his brow.

"Does it look like I know or care?" I rolled my eyes, "How did yesterday go? I should have fought them as well. My bad"

If I wasn't so drunk, I definitely would have fought along with the gang. There's just something about slamming my fist into someone's face eases away whatever the hell is going on in my mind. I also like the thrill of my blood heating up and the adrenaline running through my veins as I get angrier by the second. I know, I'm a sociopath.

I need to be more careful though because if I put someone in a hospital again and get caught, I know for sure my Mom will kill me.

"If that's your version of an apology then I'm very worried" he chuckled. "Make it up to me by coming with me for a deal. It's in a public place, so try not to draw too much attention to yourself"

"That can't be helped" I smirked.

Seth crinkled his nose "You need to settle Leon. Take a look at me, I'm serious about my girlfriend and she loves me. You need to find a girl that loves you"

"Love" I scoffed. "You sound like you're going soft Taylors. You're acting as if your tongue wasn't down Stacey's the other day"

"That didn't mean anything" he shrugged.

"But it sure would mean something to your little girlfriend. What would you do if someone told her?" I teased.

He stopped eating his cereal and he gave me a deathly glare, "Shut the fuck up" he threatened.

I rolled my eyes. Whenever someone mentions Seth's girlfriend he goes crazy. He doesn't like to show her. I probably saw a glimpse of her photo once and she looks hot, but I couldn't get a good look.

The front door opened, and Seth and I looked at each other in confusion. "Who the hells that?" Seth furrowed.

"I don't know. Cam, Mase, and Jake aren't coming until later" I shrugged. I jumped off the table and opened the kitchen door.

Only Fools Fall In LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora