Level 13: Don't Tell Me To Calm Down!

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Level 13: Don't Tell Me To Calm Down! 

"Have you seen Leon?" I asked a jock in the corridor. I've been looking for him for the past 15 minutes. During that time, I didn't realise that Bridleway was so big. 

"No" he shook his head. I yelled in frustration and jogged the opposite way

Jesus Christ, if you eat too much and want to lose weight. Just run around Bridleway high and that will get your summer body. Well even though it's fall now.

I spotted Charlie down the hall and ran up to him. "Charlie, have you seen Leon?" I asked out of breath.

"No, why?" he questioned.

"No reason, we're still on for Saturday right?" I said while jogging away. 

"Yeah" he responded while I was dashing down the hall. I got to the lockers when I saw him making out with a girl.

"MILLER!!" I shouted which caused me to get everyone's attention. He broke apart with the girl and furrowed at me. 

I spent the whole night yesterday just staring at my ceiling. I didn't dare to shed a tear or feel guilty which I may have felt months ago. All I did was plot different ways of me killing him, of hurting him how he possibly hurt me. 

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" I started charging towards him, so the girl walked away. I lunged at him, but he grabbed my waist and threw me on his shoulder in one swift motion.

"Let me down, you stupid asshole" I continuously punched his back and he pushed me into the janitor's closet. He put me down and looked at me confusingly.

"This is what you get when you hurt girls!" I threw all the cleaning supplies at him and he blocked them with his hands.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he grabbed my arms to stop me from freaking out.

"I don't know, am I messing up anything for you?" I spat. 

He froze and released his grip on his arms. He gave me an unreadable expression "You remember that night?"

"That's not the point, you hurt me."

"Lynch, I didn't tell you for a-" he paused. "Wait, what?"

"My bump, you're the one who gave me my concussion!" I shouted.

"What?" he laughed.

"Are you actually laughing!" I screamed.

 He covered my mouth with his hand. "Calm down" 


"I didn't touch you. We had an argument but I didn't touch you" he said slowly. 

"Liar" I sneered at him. "Stop lying to me"

His face flickered with an emotion I couldn't understand. His body went rigid while he watched me. "You really think I'd hit a girl" he furrowed. "That I would hit you?"

"Leon. If you didn't hit me, then what aren't you telling me about that night!"

His eyes darkened and he clenched his fists. Great. He's getting angry. Join the club. "You didn't answer my question. It was yes or no"

"Well, you didn't answer my question" I exclaimed. "So, you hit me." I threw another supply at him.

He caught it. "Listen, Lynch. I've seen that shit. It's not pretty and I wouldn't do it to others. I didn't hit you" he said in a low voice.

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