Level 15: Crazy Halloween Party

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Level 15: Crazy Halloween Party

"I look like a slut" I deadpanned. 

"But you look hot" Lucy grinned. 

I looked at my reflection in the mirror again and sighed.  Why couldn't I just wear the basic Halloween costume? A few whiskers, a headband, and I would have been good to go, but no, Emily and Lucy are forcing me to wear this costume. 

"It's a top" I tried to pull down on the piece of cloth they call a dress. 

"It's not a top, just a very short dress" Emily reasoned.

"I'm not wearing this" 

"Oh yes, you are. It's Halloween, who cares what you wear. You have to dress to impress. Now makeup time" Lucy pulled me to my chair while Emily pinned me down.

"And who am I impressing?" I raised an eyebrow which resulted in them giving me an 'are you serious look' 

"Leon duh" Lucy grinned. "Despite you always not wanting to talk about him-"

"If you say his name enough times, he'll appear like the devil" I cut her off. 

"He's not Beetlejuice Kaitlin" Emily rolled her eyes playfully. "Besides, once he sees you in this, he'll probably faint"

I immediately burst out laughing. I swear, they should be comedians. You can't romanticise a boy like Leon without contradicting yourself. 

"Leon...faint in front of me. Ha, let's hope he stays unconscious" I said between laughs. They both rolled their eyes and continued to slutify me.

"You're acting like you two are not getting along more," Lucy said while applying eyeliner on my eyes. I was about to give her a weird expression but she clutched my arm "Move and I'll poke your eye out, voluntarily"

Yes, I dropped the whole alleyway situation after the whole fiasco in school, I do, weirdly believe he wouldn't hurt me like that, especially after seeing he can't be a judgemental asshole all the time, but getting along...that's pushing it. 

"We're not" 

"Oh, so we're lying today. Lying and hiding stuff from your dearest friends" Emily teased playfully. 

I know she's joking but I still made me tense and look away guiltily. I'd tell them everything if I could, but with what happened last year, I'd rather continue to drown in my sorrows rather then trying to fight through it and survive. 

Lucy's squeals cut through my thoughts. "Okay done", she pulled me up and guided me to the mirror. 

Okay, I may have been a little overdramatic because I don't look like a slut. Well compared to how the rest of the school are probably going to look, most likely I'll probably be the most covered up.

Lucy did my makeup perfectly. It's not heavy at all but it brings out all my features flawlessly. The eyeliner makes my hazel eyes pop along with the light blush on my cheeks. However, the bold red lip ties it all in amazingly along with the firewoman dress and actually makes me feel good about myself, something I haven't felt in a long time. 

I smiled while touching my curled hair which Emily did. "Okay, your turn. I can muster up some middle school art skills"

Emily started to scowl "Lucy messed up the delivery of our costumes so we have to go collect them. Charlie will pick us up once we're ready so we'll meet you there"

"Where did this costume come from then?" I asked. 

"I already had it" Lucy smiled...suspiciously. 

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