Level 38: Keep Your Voice Down Or I'll Kill Everyone Here

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Level 38: Keep Your Voice Down Or I'll Kill Everyone Here

"Kaitlin, are you getting read-" My Mom paused at the door of my room and choked, "Did something die in here?"

I buried myself deeper into my blankets and sighed, "Probably my humanity"

"Your room needs fresh air. It smells worse than your brother's room" I could hear her tiptoeing around my room. "Why aren't you getting ready for Prom?"

"Because I don't have a dress or a date" I groaned as I felt the cool air coming into my room.

"Oh? What's this box then?"

I climbed out of the mountains of blankets and winced at the bright light. "What box?" I furrowed as she put it on my lap and sat on my bed expectantly.

I have no idea what it is, the box is decorated with a bow and floral flowers. Who knows, this could be the devil's idea with a bomb inside.

"Go on, open it" Mom urged.

I sighed and unwrapped the bow and gently opened the lid with my eyes closed.

"Oh my god, Kaitlin this is beautiful" she gasped.

I opened my eyes and blinked in shock. It's a rose gold gown, with lace trimmings and cute floral designs. It had a crown to match it along with silver heels at the bottom of the box. Everything about it is beautiful.

"When did you get this Kaitlin! Where did you get it?"

"I didn't" I furrowed and picked up the note at the bottom, hidden by the heels.

I figured you didn't have a dress for prom, so here is Chelsea's prom dress which she was supposed to wear. I know after I just said that, you're not going to want to wear it but I want you to. Please.

Enjoy. Leon x

P.s your window was open :)

The thought of the Leon situation brought tears to my eyes, I quickly blinked them away and smiled.

"Leon gave you this?"

"Yes," I sniffed.

"I'll leave you to get ready then" she grinned and walked out of my room.

I looked at myself in the mirror and almost jumped in fright. How am I supposed to make myself presentable in just a couple of hours? Since last night, opening my eyes has been too much of an effort.

"Dawn! Dawn, I need your help" I hollered from my room.


"Damn. I did a good job considering it's your face" she grinned.

"We have the same face" I scoffed and stood up while taking off my bathroom robe.

"Now that's just insulting" she smiled sarcastically while I put on the dress. Dawn zipped it up and my eyes widened at the sudden weight, it's a heavy dress.

I walked to the mirror and my eyes widened in shock.

"Woah" I gaped. I look like an entirely different person, no one would be able to see my overtiredness, my stress, or the fact that I'm scared shitless.

I look normal, healthy, and happy. A girl, going to prom in a beautiful dress. Even though under it all, I'm an indescribable mess, right now at this moment, I feel free.

For the possible hours I have left with my loved ones, I intend to make it the best I can. I'll make the fantasy I was craving the reality, just for tonight. I'll push away all the darkness.

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