Level 48: Say Goodbye To San Francisco, Because We Are Never Coming Back.

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Level 48: Say Goodbye To San Francisco, Because We Are Never Coming Back. 

I opened my front door, "Alright. I'm home after the thousands of missed calls that you sent me. Mom? What did you want to say earlier?" I paused as I looked around the house, everything is in boxes. "What's going on?"

"Great, your back. We're leaving" Mom said as she walked out of the lounge carrying a box.

"Are we going on holiday or something? Is that the important thing that you wanted to tell me" I grinned. "Because I wasn't really prepared to get sunburnt and turned into a tomato"

"No, we're leaving as in moving out of San Francisco."

My heart dropped, and I blinked a couple of times. "I don't understand. Why are we leaving?"

"Are you being serious Kaitlin? You almost died! That boy has been endangering you for too long and it's time we get away for good. I am not risking any more of my family's life anymore."

"Seth is gone Mom" I exclaimed "He's never coming back. I've started another life here that you can't rip me away from. That's exactly what Seth was trying to do"

"Kaitlin. We are going and that's final. Everyone get in the car" she yelled.

"Mom please, I don't want to go. My friends are here, Leon is here" I cried. Alex, Dawn, Ky, and Brook came down the stairs. "Don't tell me you guys knew about this?"

"We were just as oblivious as you." Dawn frowned. "There's no point in us leaving Mom, you haven't even put the house up for sale!"

"Dawn please-" Mom tried to say.

"Mom, you told us that when we came back here, we're staying for good. We've all settled back into our lives now. We don't want to go" Ky said.

"It's not my fault that Seth came back and endangered Kaitlin, again!"

"Great! So, it's my fault. I'm sorry that I endangered myself, again, but Seth is gone for good. Please, Mom. We don't want to go" I cried

"I'm not blaming you, Kaitlin. I'm saving you. All of you. Now, everyone is going and that is final"

"Where are we even going Mom?" Brook sniffed.

"We're moving to Maine, but we will stay in a hotel until we find a property"

"Maine!" I shouted. "That's the other side of America, how am I supposed to visit. No, I'm not going"


"I am not going, mother! I am not leaving my friends again and Leon is here, and I won't leave him. Ever. You cannot force me to go"

"Say goodbye to San Francisco, because we are never coming back. Now, everyone. Get in the damn car"


"Leon. Dates don't go well with us" I groaned as we got into his car.

"Peaches, this is going to be the start of something new" he paused "Do not start singing high school musical"

I grinned "This could be the start, of something new, It feels so right to be here with you, oh, and now, looking in your eyes, I feel in my heart" I sang. "Come on Leon, finish the last line"



"No" he started the car and started to reverse out of the hospital.

"Looking in your eyes, I feel in my hearttttttt" I sang

"The start of something new" he muttered.

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