Level 26: You're In Love With Me?!

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Level 26: You're In Love With Me?!

(Btw, that's Seth in the image ;)) 

"Seth go away, I don't want to talk to you" I rolled my eyes and tried to close my front door again, but he stopped it with his foot.     

"You left this. In the woods" he handed me my phone, covered in mud and cracks on the screen.

My breath caught in my chest which made me freeze in shock. I shook the memory out of my head and snatched it out of his hand. "Thanks, now goodbye"

"Why do you keep ignoring me? What did I do that was so bad?" he furrowed

Oh, let me think... just that you left me in the woods to literally stab an innocent person then, cheat on me with some Chelsea girl and this entire time you've been lying to me about who you really are, or what you do. 

"I'm ignoring you because we're over. O-V-E-R" he pushed the door open aggressively which led into me falling on the floor hard. 

"Ouch," I hissed and rubbed my sore back.

"I'm sorry Kaitlin, I-" he rushed to the floor. 

"Get out Seth" I held my hand up to stop him from talking. "And stay the hell away from me!" I shouted backing away.

"I thought we agreed to just move past this" 

I laughed incredulously. "You want me to move past what happened? Everything has been a lie, Seth you're a criminal for christ's sake. Now, get out of my house"

"Kaitlin, I love you and we are not breaking up" he snapped.


He flinched, as if what I said hurt him but it's nothing but the truth. "I didn't kill him! I promise, and I know, I shouldn't have kissed her and I'm sorry, please. Forgive me" he pleaded.

"Get out of my house. Now!"

"Look" he pushed up his shirt and pointed to a scar he had on his hip. "He did this to me. He stabbed me first and then threatened to hurt everyone I love. Including you. So, I did it for you because I love-"

"And that makes it okay? I don't even know who you are anymore" I furrowed. "You don't go stabbing people out of love Seth. That's bullshit"

"They were going to hurt you, your family, even Caiden."

"Don't you dare bring my family and best friend into this crap, and what do you mean by, they?"

He blinked. "They, he, she. Who cares? I can't lose you over this. I won't" he grabbed my hand forcefully.

"You're hurting me" I hissed and pulled my hands out of his grasp. "I swear, if you don't get out of my house, I will call the cops" I threatened.

"Please, tell me how to fix this" tears spilt out of his eyes and he tugged on his hair then fell to his knees.

This is the first time I've ever seen Seth be this emotional. Wow...

"Seth?" I blinked in confusion and knelt down. 

"I'm so sorry Kaitlin. I was only trying to make him back off. I swear" He cried and wrapped his arms around my hips to cry in my lap.

"I don't understand what happened, Seth. I saw a side of you I never would have believed existed." 

"I swear to you, I didn't mean it. You know my Dad, he was involved in some screwed up stuff. That boy was tied up in all of that and started to threaten every person I cared about. I swear I didn't mean it, Kaitlin b-but I just panicked" he choked on a sob and started to shake.  "Please don't leave me. Please, I need you"

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