Level 30: I wouldn't want any other girl but you

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Level 30: I wouldn't want any other girl but you.

"Kaitlin, let me in. I can explain it." Seth shouted from outside the front door. 

I kept my hands firmly over my ears, squeezing until it was almost painful. 

He continued to pound on the door, "KAITLIN! You can't hide from me forever. You're overreacting!" 

I yelled in frustration, stood up and threw the door open. 

"I'm overreacting! You tried to make me seduce and lure a man to your house, so you could beat him to death! You tried to groom and pimp me out like some kind of slut. You've endangered me so many times and my family. MY DADS DEAD SETH! WHERE WERE YOU?" I screamed.

He walked inside and closed the door shut with his foot. "Okay, I shouldn't have asked you to do that, but you're my girlfriend. You're supposed to support me-"

"Where. Were. You" I said slowly.

"It doesn't concern you" he shrugged.

"Doesn't concern me?" I scoffed. "You were gone for a whole week and that's not supposed to concern me?!"

"Fine, you want to know. I was with another girl. The girl that you saw in the forest that time" he said as if it's the easiest thing to say.

Another blow to the chest, I thought I was numb to the pain he caused but it's endless. It will never stop. 

"My dad is dead, and you were with another girl" I whispered. "MY DAD IS FUCKING DEAD AND YOU WERE WITH ANOTHER GIRL!" I screamed hitting him repeatedly.

"Maybe your Dad is dead because he deserved what was coming for him" he shouted back and grabbed my arms.

"What did you just say?" I gasped.

I can't believe I ever loved this boy. I can't believe he has had me blinded for months! 

"Maybe he's dead because he-"

"You know what Seth Taylors. You're a sick, manipulating, disgraceful murderer." I spat

"Don't push me, Kaitlin. I'm not a murderer." His eyes darkened.

"I hope you burn in hell you miserable, disgusting piece of shit" I sneered and paused for the final blow "I really hope that your mom is ashamed of you-" he slapped me hard across the face. I instantly fell to the floor and clutched onto my cheek.

"Get the fuck out of my house. NOW!" I shrieked.

"I told you not to push me" he spat and walked towards me slowly.

"No Seth! I'm sorry! Get off of me. Please.  SETH!" I screamed.
I shot out of my bed and panted heavily. My bed duvet is on the floor and my hair stuck is to my face. I groaned and walked over to my window. I opened it and let the fresh spring breeze flow through my room. 

I need to get these Goddamn flashbacks out of my dreams.

"Peaches, you look terrible," Leon said as he yawned and sat on the ledge of his window. His hair was all messy and his voice is still raspy. Butterflies immediately erupted in my stomach which made my cheeks glow.

"Thanks, I was going for this look" I scoffed.

"What's up?" He asked

"Bad dream" I shrugged.

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