chapter 98.

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I place the menus at the end of the table again, back in their formation as a 'wall' and I look at Toffee fast asleep in my beret. "She's so cute." I comment, playing with the bracelet on my wrist. "She's my child now."

"Wasn't expecting that." The blonde laughs and I smirk.

"Really?" I ask and he nods his head. "Why not? She looks just like us. She has my eyes and your hair...the white part anyway. She's our double."

"Oh so I'm the father?" He questions and I nod my head. "When did I consent to that?"

"When you adopted her." I answer and he chuckles. "Technically, I'm the one who didn't give consent but I won't turn my back on our child."

"So is my first child going to be named Toffee?" He questions and I laugh. "It's cute for a cat but I don't want my human child to be called Toffee Malfoy, that needs some discussing. Our child will get bullied."

"It's last name will be Malfoy, it would get bullied anyway." I tease and the blonde rolls his eyes. I laugh and kiss his cheek to let him know that I'm kidding and I stroke Toffee once more. "I love have some competition."

"Again?" He complains and I roll my eyes at his joke.

"Hmm...I miss Blaise." I taunt and he rolls his eyes. I laugh at him and cross my arms. "Kidding!"

The boy sits back in his seat and pokes his cheek out with his tongue and shakes his head. I smile at him and prop myself up and sit with me elbows on my table and my chin resting in the palm of my hand. "...yes?" The boy questions.

"I'm getting to know you." I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"By staring at me?" He asks and I nod my head. "I don't think that's how it works, Parker. We're basically supposed to interview each other."

"Okay fine." I quip. "What's your favourite colour. Don't say green, grey or black. I want an actual colour that has nothing to do with Slytherin or anything else."

He tuts and stares at me for a few seconds before sighing. "But green is my favourite colour." He defends and I shake my head. "Fine. I'll say...brown."

"Why brown?" I question. "I've never seen you be remotely interested in the colour brown."


"Yes you have." I defend and she shakes her head. "Well that's on you for not remembering."

"Oh shush!" She rolls her eyes and sighs. "Why is your favourite colour brown?"

Because it's the colour of your eyes.

"Because you wouldn't let me pick green." I answer and she laughs. "What's your favourite colour?"

"A soft purple, like lavender." She smiles, "When's your birthday?"

"You don't know my birthday?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Wow!"

"I spent six years hating you, I didn't pay attention when it was your birthday." She answers and I hum skeptically to annoy her. "Shut up! You don't know my birthday-

"Twenty first of December." I interrupt and her mouth opens wide. "See. You're the problem."

"How do you know my birthday? We're not even in school when it happens." She questions and I place my finger on my lips. "Tell me-

"My birthday is the fifth of June." I quip and she tilts her head to the side and opens her mouth to talk.

"Noted." She replies. "Now tell me how you know my birthday."

"Because I pay attention to things, despite if I hate the person or not. I even know Diggory's birthday." I shrug and she raises an eyebrow. "Have you ever had a childhood pet?"

"Nope. Toffee is my first." She replies, smiling sweetly at me and I smirk. "Have you ever had a childhood pet."

"A cat actually." I begin, "She was black with bright green eyes."

"And her name?" Parker asks, grabbing the glass bottle of salt and spinning it across the table.

"Alice." I answer, allowing the salt to drop into my hand before it rolls onto the wooden floor and smashes into smithereens.

We spend the rest of the time, waiting for our food, asking each other questions and once our food arrives, we have a normal conversation...our version of a normal conversation. Toffee eventually wakes up and she paws at Parker, finds it really cute and starts smothering her head with kisses.

"Don't be jealous." The brunette quips and I roll my eyes as I put the dessert menu down. "I'll kiss you too, if it really matters that much."

"You really piss me off, do you know that?" I ask and she laughs before taking the dessert menu from me. "Don't try to be cheap like you were with the burger. Actually get what you want."

"I did want the burger." She defends, "It just happened to be coincidentally cheap."

"Well don't get a coincidentally cheap desert." I demand and she rolls her eyes before looking at the menu once more.

She decides on some hot chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream and I get the same thing because it actually happens to be the most expensive dessert on the menu, it's still awfully cheap though.

"Parker." I begin, pushing a piece of chocolate cake around my plate with a fork and spreading the chocolate sauce along with it. She hums and looks at me as she finishes chewing. "Will you officially be my girlfriend...again?"

"Yeah." She answers, cleaning her teeth with her tongue and smiling. "...I had a really great time today."

"I'm glad." I reply, humbly, and she scratches the back of her neck.

"Draco Malfoy is different on a date." She teases and I chuckle.

"I'm holding back all of my usualness." I joke, "Just wait until the date's over. You'll be sick of me, you'll try to stab me with your wand."

"Can't wait." The brunette shrugs.


He smiles slightly at me and I smile back before looking at the little movement on the table. Toffee stretches and yawns in my beret and I immediately begin to fuss over her.


"Parker." Malfoy repeats and I glance at him. In his hands in a black box with a golden ribbon tied over it and he holds it out for me to take. "Open it."

"When did you get me this?" I question. I didn't see him looking at any jewellery. I take the box from him and set it on the table, waiting for his response.

"Same time as the bracelet. It's your second present." He confirms and I smile. I pull the ribbon off and pull the lid open. Inside is a gorgeous diamond ring. My smile fades and instead I'm overwhelmed with a great sense of gratitude.

"Its beautiful." I breathe, looking up at him.

"It's my promise to you." He says and I stop breathing. "I know that none of us really know what a promise ring is but I'm giving one to you to let you know that I don't want anyone else, only you...and I'll do everything that I can to prove that I love you."

"I know you do." I say softly.

"Not all the time." He adds, "Not when I'm yelling at you to leave my dorm, telling you that I don't love you and all the other bullshit that I've done...but when I'm being a prick, and I promise you I will be and I'm sorry for that, I want you to look at the ring and remember why I've given it to you."

"I love you." I say and he kisses me.

"I know you do." He mocks and I giggle against his lips.


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