chapter 88.

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"It's very funny." I defend and he shakes his head. "Now look who loves arguing." The boy rolls his eyes and turns to his friend.

"You can have her." He says and I cross my arms meanwhile Blaise laughs. I gently kick the blonde and he turns to look at me.

"You would kill yourself if you didn't have me." I joke and the blonde rolls his eyes but does not deny it. "I'm going to go now." I kiss his cheek and the boy smirks at me. "Bye my too Malfoy."

"Ha, ha, ha." He laughs sarcastically and gently punches my arm. I smile and blow a kiss at him before leaving the room.

I hurriedly walk out of the Slytherin common room and I find Hermione in the great hall sat with a bowl of strawberries in front of her and a book laid next to the strawberries. "Hi." I cheerfully say, grabbing a strawberry and sitting across from her.

"Hello." The girl looks up from her book and rests her head in her hands. "Did you have fun?"

"Yes." I smile, tucking some loose strands of hair behind my ears.

"What do you guys even do? You just...hang out in the common room? Do the other Slytherins not say anything?" Hermione questions and I slowly chew my strawberry.

"We..." I begin, "hang out in his dorm, it's obviously less crowded. And we just talk." Hermione skeptically raises an eyebrow and I know what she's hinting at and I feel my cheeks burn. "What lesson have we got first?"

"Transfiguration. You're going to be alone, Slytherin are-

"Practicing." I finish and she nods her head. "That's a shame."

"No!" Hermione comments, "Without Malfoy making some sort of joke every time he gets, we'll actually have more time to learn."

"Because two hours isn't enough?" I question and she rolls her eyes as she smirks.

"Well...with the Slytherins there, it's basically an hour. Plus, they are only practicing for an hour so he will be back. So I guess you won't be completely alone."

I smile at the thought.


"Tell me exactly what she said." I ask once more and Blaise rolls his eyes and huffs as we walk through the Great Hall.

"She said 'oh yeah I hate Malfoy let me just elope you'." He jokes and I scowl at him. "I already told you, Draco. She rejected me."

"Yeah but what did she say?" I question and he kisses his teeth. "Either you're hiding something from me or you're just being a dick."

"What more is there to tell you? Why do you need to know every single word. I've told you, more than once, and she's told you what happened so...let it go." He advises and I tut.

"Okay I will." I decide and he sighs in relief, "After you tell me what she said word for word."

"You should pay me for my fucking services." The brunette complains and I laugh, "She said that...I'm your best friend, I'm not Mr. Steal your girl and...that's pretty much it."

"Pretty much?" I ask, raising an eyebrow and he nods. "So there's more but you aren't saying it?"

"...No." He hesitates and I block him from walking. "We're going to be late."

"So? We won't miss anything." I shrug and my friend rolls his eyes. "What else did she say?"

" first, she said she was confused and didn't think that she should be making a decision like that after what happened the night before." He answers and I poke my cheek out with my tongue. "But then she said she loves you and-

"Yeah but does that really matter?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "Why did you wait so long to tell me-why the fuck weren't you going to tell me?"

"Because you're an idiot and you'll blow it out of proportion and start yelling at her and then when she breaks up with you, you'll convince her to stay with you and then you'll be good to her for a day or two before fucking things up again." Blaise says and I tut.

"That's...not fair." I comment and he scoffs.

"Listen, you don't need to go start an argument and screw this up again. If you're going to yell at her and coerce her into breaking up with you then you have to let her live and stop going back to her." He advises and I run my hand through my hair.

"I wouldn't have yelled at her I-

"Yes you would have." Blaise interrupts and I roll my eyes. "So if you want to break up with her then go ahead, go yell at her, or if you want to actually be a rational person then just forget about it and let's go practice."

"I don't know how." I admit and he raises an eyebrow. "Like...I can suppress it, sure, but I can't do it for long even if I didn't want to talk to her about it, I still would. I can't control it."

"Just stop yourself as long as you can." He recommends and I roll my eyes. "If you're get angry then put your words politely and quietly so she doesn't feel like you're constantly yelling at her...which you are."

"Really helping with those insipid comments." I sarcastically reply and he rolls his eyes. "I know, I'm an asshole, I've heard, but I'm trying not to be."

"Yes because that's enou-

"Finish that sentence Blaise and I will smack you around the head with my broom until you die a slow and painful death." I threaten and he raises his hands beside his head and stays silent.

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