chapter 14.

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The air is crisp and harsh as it blows through our hair and the dark gloomy sky matches the shades of Ravenclaw's Quidditch kit.

"I got us a bag of popcorn." Hermione announces as she squeezes past the crowd of people to get to us. The stands are packed with the excited chatter of children discussing who they think will win the match and who they want to win.

"Thank you." I quip and she hands me the clear plastic bag which is filled to the brim with golden popcorn. I watch it unravel from the twists and I pull out a piece. It's sweet and salted, my favourite. "You know me so well." I look at my best friend and she smiles.

"Of course I do." She shrugs, obviously proud. The stands fill up with more people and the wind grows harsher. Hermione doesn't hold back as she tells us about how cold it is and how dangerous it is for students to be playing in this weather. Ron argues that if they want to be professionals that they have to learn how to play in such terrible weather and they have to learn how to deal with it.

The game starts at exactly 10am. Slytherin score within the first five minutes which causes the whole house to erupt into cheers. Hermione rolls her eyes before clapping and Harry and Ron exchange a glance. After another 10 minutes, Ravenclaw manage to score which makes my friends a little more happier and I snack on my popcorn some more. The weather becomes worse and salty rain drops begin to sprinkle from the moody clouds. Another 20 minutes go by and the score is still even but the Snitch is realised into the air. I almost finish my whole bag of popcorn before Ravenclaw score again but Slytherin scores soon after. The game grows a bit boring as they keep scoring one after the other and Hermione holds her own hands and holds them against her forehead and closes her eyes as Slytherin score once more. "It's alright Mione." Ron comforts and she groans. The commentary for the game announces that Slytherin caught the Golden Snitch and Harry rolls his eyes before clapping his hands and Ron runs his hands through his hair. Hermione places her head on my shoulder and pretends to cry.

"Aw it's okay." I comfort, patting her head with my hand. She shakes her head and groans, which causes me to laugh. "Now this means Gryffindor and Slytherin play against each other next, right?"

"Yup." Ron answers nervously but Harry doesn't seem fazed at all. It's no secret that Gryffindor 99% of the time win their matches because of Harry catching the Snitch and I thought that it would have turned the boy cocky by now but Harry is always anxious to play another match. "And with the way Adrien was scoring goals we're probably going to lose."

"Don't speak it into existence, Ronald. Only say positive things." Hermione suggests, taking her head off of my shoulder and the ginger rolls his eyes.

People in the stands begin talking about the match as the players enter the small coloured tents to get changed. The teachers make us all pile out of the stands to go to our first lesson and I walk down to the dungeons with my friends. The temperature doesn't feel much different than outside but it is noticeably warmer and definitely hotter than what it usually feels like in the dungeons.

Once we enter the classroom and more people join us, Professor Slughorn makes us work in our textbooks today and it is basically a free lesson to revise. Hermione takes this as her opportunity and she seems more than happy to spend 2 hours flicking through a potions textbook so she's prepared. Harry and Ron talk the whole lesson and involve Hermione and I in snippets of the conversation. I try to revise but I can't stop myself from looking at the table I know Malfoy is sat at. Every time I look at him, he isn't looking at me.

Indifference is the best revenge.

He has nothing to be mad at but maybe he just doesn't see me as a friend. I don't really see him as a friend either but I would appreciate it if we looked at each other at least more than once. I huff and chew gently on my fingernail so I don't bite it off. I don't know why I'm so focused on Malfoy. I'm the one who said we shouldn't really talk anymore but that was for Cedric. I don't even know how I feel about Malfoy but I must feel something if I can't stop thinking about him every time I see him. I glance over one more time and the blonde stands up from his chair. He wanders over to the wooden bookcase at the back of the classroom and he stands there. It's obvious he's not searching for a book to use but Professor Slughorn thinks nothing of it as he drinks his coffee and focuses on the book he is reading. I look at my friends and decide that they aren't going to notice if I'm gone so I stand up and walk over to the bookcase myself.

"Is there something you want, Bella?" Malfoy voices and I can't help myself but feel excited. I pretend like I don't care and I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm looking for a book." I lie and he snickers. Apparently I am a bad liar so I know he doesn't believe me but it doesn't matter. "And stop calling me Bella. I thought we had a mutual agreement that if you were to converse with me that you would call me Parker."

"I never agreed to that." He reminds and I scoff. Yes he did. "No I didn't, I said sure but I laughed at you which implies that I found what you said funny. I never actually said 'okay I won't call you Bella'."

"It's the same thing!" I reason and he smirks and shakes his head at me. I huff and fight off the smile that I know will take over my frown if I don't stop it. Even though we are bickering over a stupid nickname I'm enjoying myself more than I was when I was sat at that table.

"Did you watch the Quidditch game?" The blonde asks and I nod my head, slowly. Obviously I watched the Quidditch game. It's an exciting sport and I usually don't think that about sports but Quidditch is so much better and more entertaining. "And?"

"And what?" I shrug and he snickers so I cross my arms. Does he always have to laugh at me?

"And you're not going to say congratulations?" The boy asks me, a hint of humour and sarcasm is evident in his voice and I'm glad this is a joke.

"For what?" I pretend to act dumb and Malfoy rolls his eyes at me. I laugh at him and tilt my head to the side. "Okay fine. Congratulations for was really exhilarating when you grabbed the Snitch and your whole house erupted into cheers."

"Fuck you." The blonde insults and I laugh. I meant it when I said 'congratulations for winning' but I was being sarcastic with the last part. "Do I get another kiss, for winning?"

I can feel my cheeks burning and I can't fight off the smile anymore. The thought of kissing him again makes me want to do it and it also makes me grin like an idiot.

"I have a boyfriend." I remind and Draco smacks his lips together.

"That didn't stop you before." The boy quips and my smile fades from my face. "It was a joke-

"Fuck you, Malfoy." I spit before grabbing a potions book off the shelf. He looks at me like I'm crazy and scoffs. "And I mean it." The worst part about what he said was true but it was unfair for him to throw that in my face. He kissed me, I know I could have stopped it but I didn't but that doesn't change what happened.

He kissed me.

"Wait don't be upset." Malfoy says and I scoff before turning around to walk away. "Bella I'm sorry."

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