chapter 47.

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"If you want to fuck her then just say so, I'm not going to stop you." I shrug once we finally arrive to Hogsmeade. I remove my gloves from my hands and shove them in my pockets before leading the way to the Leaky Cauldron.

"I don't want- you just need to talk. That's all you need. You guys haven't given each other any closure-

"Closure for what, we dated for a day!" I question as we find a free booth at the back of the small pub. Even though the pub is small, it's actually a nice place to be. It's very wooden and I actually enjoy wooden things. 

"I don't care. You still need to talk to each other- who chose this booth next to the bathrooms?" Blaise complains and Pansy laughs before pointing at me. "God you make awful decisions!"

"I know and befriending you was one of them." I reply and he laughs sarcastically. The bathroom door opens and to my surprise it's Granger...and then Parker walks out after her.

"Retreat." Granger whispers but I still hear her. Parker laughs and I almost plug my fingers in my ears to stop myself from enjoying the sound.

"Why do we need to..." Parker stops mid sentence and I keep my eyes on Pansy. I've seen her walking around school and in lesson but I've not actually looked her in the eyes and I'd like to keep that streak going.

"Hey Parker." Blaise cheerfully says and I stamp on his foot under the table. "Ow you fucking-

"Hi." She replies and I notice Granger cross her arms in the corner of my eye.

I'm not going to look.

Nothing bad will happen if I do look but I simply don't want to. Parker will start thinking that I like her again, which I don't...ish.

"How's it going? Have you been in any shops ye-

"I'm getting drinks. Move." I announce, turning to my friend beside me. He rolls his eyes before sliding out of the booth and continuing his conversation with Parker. I immediately stand up and walk to the counter; ordering three butter beers for us all and I take my time in walking back to the table.

He's still talking to her.

Can't she just be bitch and tell him to fuck off and leave?

I bite my tongue as I place a butter beer in front of Pansy as I stand next to Granger...the lesser of two evils at this point. "Malfoy what about you? What shops do you want to go into?" Blaise questions, looking at me with a humorous glint in his eyes.

I sit down and tut. "We've been going here for four years, Blaise, it's not the first time. Stop acting like it...and stop being a fucking idiot and sit down." I complain and he smirks.

"We already asked Pansy so it's your tur-

"Blaise...sit the fuck down." I slowly say so he will actually listen to me.

"You're in a public place, do you have no human decency- or even decorum?" Granger scolds I huff. Why does she have to open her big gob?

"Why are you still here? Fuck off...both of you." I snap and Granger rolls her eyes at me.

I'm still not going to look at Parker.

"Wow I didn't even say anything other than 'hi'." Parker voices and I bite my cheek. "So I don't understand why you're speaking to me like that when I stood here quiet enough that you could hear a pin drip."

"Fuck off." I repeat, actually looking at her. She looks the same...obviously but her hair looks a bit longer. She looks like she's got some lip gloss or some shit on too.

"You've still not expanded your vocabulary, I see." The brunette comments and I roll my eyes at her. I don't know why she's still talking, or why she's still here.

"Okay then fine." I snap once more, sitting up properly and placing my hands on the table. "Isabella and Hermione, may you please go back to wherever the fuck you were before you came here because if not I will not hesitate to drown the both of you in this butter beer."


"This is not the place to have your little lovers spat, okay?" Pansy interrupts Parker, who I'm sure had a lot to say back.

"This isn't a lovers spat, Pansy. Get your facts right." I argue and she rolls her eyes at me as if I give a fuck. "Are you two leaving or not because I'm tired of seeing your faces already."

"And I'm tired of your stupid attitude." Parker retaliates, "Are you forgetting that your sleeping with Melanie is why we're here?"

"No it fucking isn't." I scoff and she rolls her eyes at me. "You're just mad about it when it had nothing to do with you anyway. We're here because you won't let shit go."

"It had nothing to do with me yet you told me you loved me two days later. That makes perfect sense." She sarcastically replies and I cross my arms.

"I didn't mean it." I shrug and Blaise kisses his teeth. "I didn't love you and I still don't."

She doesn't say anything else, she walks away and Hermione scurries after her. I clear my throat before sipping some butter beer meanwhile Blaise glares at me. "What the fuck do you want?" I question and he kisses his teeth once more. "Sorry if I'm not living out your weird ass fantasy of Parker and I being together."

"That's not- why would you say that to In a public place." He questions and I raise an eyebrow. It doesn't matter where I said it, it has no effect so why the fuck is he freaking out?

"Because she wouldn't go." I shrug and Pansy chuckles.

"Yeah but like...she's going to cry, obviously." The girl chimes and Blaise nods his head. "Although it's not your problem so you shouldn't give a fuck."

"I don't." I clarify.


Every conversation I have with that boy seems to have me leaving feeling: anxious, sad or crying.

I stood up for myself, which I don't regret, but what I do regret is even talking to Blaise in the first place. If I didn't reply then I wouldn't have heard the blonde say those eight words. "Bella-

"Bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom again. Go to Honeydukes or something, I'll find you guys there." I turn around and before she can say anything I walk in the direction we just came from.

I tuck my hair behind my ears as I quickly walk past his table and I push the doors open before entering the female bathroom. I sniffle and make sure it's empty before grabbing some tissues meanwhile I choke up and tears begin to stream down my face like a waterfall.

I knew he didn't mean it.

I knew I shouldn't have believed him but he convinced me and I was stupid to listen to his persuasions.

I'm always stupid when it comes to Malfoy.

Something makes me believe that he does mean it and he's just hurt but it's clear he doesn't so I don't know why that's the only part of me that I listen to. Hermione should be the one I listen to and I have done but hearing him say that just set me back a month.

I rub the tears from my cheek and splash my face with water before blowing my nose. I toss the tissue in the round bin in the corner of the bathroom and I wipe under my eyes in the mirror.

I don't want to lay my eyes on him again but I know that's not possible so that makes it hurt much more.

I hate this.

I untuck my hair from behind my ears and grab my tub of vaseline from my pocket. I apply a thin layer on my lips before rubbing them together meanwhile sliding the tub back into my pocket.

I exit the bathrooms altogether and bump into someone. "Sorry Bella!" Melanie smiles and I pull my lips into a thin line.

I move out of the way so she can get past and I play with my fingers as I practically run past Malfoy's table.

SL*T ; DRACO MALFOY Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora