chapter 60.

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After charms, there is no more lessons (for now) due to the Quidditch game. Hermione is oddly happy yet also upset about this fact but is more excited for the Quidditch game than she could ever admit.

Gryffindor versus Slytherin.

It was always an entertaining game when Gryffindor and Slytherin played against each other. They were always neck and neck, creating a rising anticipation to bubble inside of us as either one of them scored one after the other.

Snow begins to gently drop onto everyone's heads as they climb onto the stands. I look up at the white sky and catch snowflakes with my hands. "Good to know that your being with Malfoy hasn't changed your love for snow." Hermione comments and I roll my eyes.

I can't tell if she's being nice or rude and that's what is annoying. If I can't tell the difference then the obvious answer is that she's being rude.

"Of course it wouldn't, Mione." I reply, inhaling deeply.

Snow has a certain smell. It's hard to explain that smell but once you go outside and you smell...cold then you know it's snowing if not it's about to snow.

Hermione's skin fades into a paler shade and her nose bruises into a bright pink tint due to the cold.

The game starts at exactly 11am and the snow falls harder. Hermione rubs her hands together and closes her eyes as Ron attempts to score a goal. The Gryffindors erupt into a round of applause and cheering, including Hermione.

Thirty minutes into the game and the score is 170-170. I chew my bottom lip, nervously as Gryffindor and Slytherin chasers fight over the Quaffle. It is announced that the snitch is released into the air and both Harry and Malfoy fly in the same direction, to the ground.

"Please, please, please, please, please." Hermione mutters, putting her hands together and squeezing her eyes shut. "Oh I can't watch!" She buries her head in my neck and I put my arm around her before worriedly sucking on my cheek. "Has one of the um caught it yet?"

"No." I answer as the two of them fly up at the same time before bumping shoulders as they reach for the snitch. "Harry's almost got it."

Malfoy flies up all of a sudden but Harry continues to fly in the same direction. "Woah, what's happening?" I question and Hermione looks up from my shoulder. "Where the hell is the snitch?"

"Harry's still going to grab it." Hermione clarifies before laughing incredulously. A Slytherin chaser scores and the house cheers loudly meanwhile Malfoy and Harry both fly at different distances after the same target.

A Bludger smashes into the back of Malfoy's broom and my heart stops as the wooden splinters fly across the pitch and the blonde tumbles from the sky. "Oh my God!" Hermione gasps and with a thud he lands on the floor.

"Stop the game!" Madam Hooch yells loudly and Hermione covers her mouth with her hands.

"Oh my..." I can't even finish my sentence. The blonde lays on the floor, not loving a muscle with his eyes closed and his hair in a messy state all over his face.

"Is he okay?" Hermione reacts, removing her hands from her mouth and I slowly shake my head before pushing past the Gryffindor students in the stands. "Bella stop! Come back!"

I ignore her as my heart thumps against my chest and I run down to the blonde. "Get off the pitch!" A rude Slytherin yells at me but I can't even think about that right now.

All I can think about is Malfoy.

"Bella, I don't know what happened." Harry says as he flies down to me. Madam Promfrey, Madam Hooch, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore all stand round the blonde's laying body along with a few Gryffindor players and the whole of Slytherin's team.

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