chapter 59.

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After the two of us are dressed, we enter the Slytherin bathroom and Malfoy searches for a spare toothbrush. "I can go and get mine." I remind and he shakes his head as he grabs a fake plant. I raise an eyebrow and he grabs his wand from his pocket and flicks it.

A toothbrush.

"Thanks." I smile and he smirks. The two of us brush our teeth in the small space of the bathroom and I make him leave after he washes his face as I wash my own face and redo my hair. I decide to have it aways, and I run my fingers through it to prevent the messiness. "Okay I'm done."

"Finally." The blonde laughs as I exit the bathroom and I kiss his cheek as he grabs my hand and drags me out of the Slytherin common room. "What lesson do we have?"

"...charms." I remember and he sighs. "I love charms."

"And Flitwick loves you so we can be late." The blonde shrugs and I chuckle. "Tell him you're with me, I'm not doing a detention tonight."

"Oh so you're using me?" I taunt and he smirks. The blonde tucks my hair behind my ears and kisses the top of my head.

"Yes I am." He replies and I scrunch my nose up in disgust causing him to laugh. "I'm kidding, baby, get that look off your face."

"Shut up. Now- if we're going to sneak into the kitchens then I want to leave something." I announce as we enter the empty great hall.

"Leave something?" He asks and I nod my head as he opens the wooden door to the very highly lit kitchen. "Like what?"

The blonde pours himself a bowl of coco pops and turns on the kettle. "What do you want to eat?" He question, grabbing a spoon and I hum as I think.

"...same as you." I decide and he smiles. "Shut up, I'm indecisive. I'm going to leave an anonymous thank you note."

"So stupid." He laughs and I roll my eyes while he pours me a bowl of coco pops. "You don't need to do that, I'm sure they won't notice a little bit of coco pops that have gone missing."

"I know they won't but even when I stole that bottle of water for you, I left a thank you note." I smile and he laughs once more. The boy passes me the bowl and I smile once more before I begin to eat them.

He also makes the two of us a steaming cup of tea and he hops onto the counter, looking down at me while he eats. "What did the note say?" He asks and I hum once more as I think.

"I think it just said 'thank you for the water I appreciate it'." I answer and he laughs once more. "What's so funny? It was a pleasant note."

"That's cute." He mocks and I roll my eyes again before eating. "Thanks for that water by the way. I don't remember you giving it to me though, I remember nothing if I'm being honest."

"Hm that's a shame, I gave you a strip tease with your scarf." I lie, biting my cheek to stop myself from laughing. The blonde narrows his eyes at me and stops chewing as he stares at me.

"You...are lying." He accuses and I laugh. "Right? You're lying, right? There's no way I would forget that."

"Are you mocking me?" I question and he smirks instead of answering.

"Eat your cereal." He says and I chuckle before actually listening to him.

We mess about the in the kitchens for a little bit, splashing each other with water as we clean our dishes and he attacks me with the mop as he cleans up the water that splashed onto the floor. "I need to not see you for another week after that." I complain as we walk to the charms classroom and he laughs.

"Yeah we'll see. You'll be in my bed again tonight." He smirks and I roll my eyes at him as I open the door to the classroom.

Everyone falls silent and Flitwick immediately looks at the two of us. "Sorry we're late Professor." I voice and Malfoy snickers from behind me.

I'm saving our asses from getting a detention, he needs to shut up.

"She fainted." Malfoy lies and I look at him. I stare at him like he's a lunatic and he gives me a downward smile. I shake my head and look back at Flitwick.

"Fainted?" The small man asks and Malfoy nods his head. I bite my tongue to shut up and Malfoy discreetly places his hand on my back.

"Yes. We were on the way to lesson, separately, and then she fainted. Maybe because of tiredness but I took her to Madam Promfrey who made me stay there for a checkup." The blonde continues lying and I slowly nod my head.

"Of course she did." Flitwick chuckles and I glance back at Malfoy with a surprised expression on my face. He smiles and raises his eyebrows at me. "Both of you sit please. You've not missed much."

The man resumes teaching and Malfoy leans in to my ear. "I'm pretty sure your friends will know about us now." He whispers before walking away from me and sitting next to Pansy and Blaise.

I tuck my hair behind my ears and find my vacant seat next to Hermione. I ignore her expectant stare and I open the charms book in front of me. "Seriously? Malfoy, again? He's the boy?" She whispers and I turn my attention to Flitwick as he teaches us a spell about enlarging someone's skull.

Seems like a stupid spell in my opinion.

I don't even have to look at Malfoy to see that he's grinning and happy with the newly taught spell. "Now this spell is obviously dangerous so please don't go around trying it on people, that goes for you Mr Malfoy." Flitwick teases and handfuls of students laugh, including the blonde himself. "So you're going to be trying it on these skulls not an alive persons am I clear?"

Everyone nods.

"Begin." He quips and I pull my wand out of my pocket. I taught myself this spell in the second year so I clearly didn't miss much.

"Malfoy, are you serious?" Hermione repeats and I roll my eyes. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Bella is everything okay at home?" Ron questions and I laugh. I turn around to look at him and nod. "Good why the hell are you with Malfoy again?"

"Let's not do this again." I say quietly and Hermione rolls her eyes. "Guys come on, stop overreacting-

"Are you forgetting the part where he literally slept with a girl two days before telling you he loves you?" Harry asks and I cross my arms.

"And that he never really meant it." Hermione adds and I huff. "Why do you put yourself in this position? He doesn't like you, Bella. He's playing you. He's playing you like he played Melanie and he won't stop until he gets into your pants."

He already did.

"It's not like that." I defend and Hermione rolls her eyes.

"Stop being naive! That's exactly what Melanie thought." She argues and I scoff.

"What so you were just in Melanie's mind and reading all of her thoughts? No, you weren't so stop trying to act like he's a really bad person when he isn't. The only time I am less that happy is when I am with you guys because all you ever do is judge me! Maybe if you guys actually gave him a chance then you would see that he isn't as bad as he comes across."

"...okay." Harry agrees and we all look at him. "What? Bella clearly likes him for some odd reason and it's not fair for us to judge him when he apparently 'is different' so we should get to know him a bit better and then judge him fairly."

"Get to know him? We already know him, he's a melodramatic maliciously cocky boy." Hermione insults and I shake my head and look down at the skull in front of me.

"I'll do it." Ron agrees and I offer him a smile, which he returns. "Mione...are you going to join?"

"...fine!" She snaps and Harry smiles. "But if this ends badly don't come crying to me because I have tried to warn you multiple times."

"I know." I agree, looking at her and she huffs before glaring at Malfoy.

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