chapter 29.

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I don't know what to do. I went to Cedric as soon as I left the Slytherin common room and I thought that I'd try to make him feel better after the argument and I wanted to put my own mind at rest too but the only thing Cedric said would make him feel better is if I didn't see Malfoy so I said I wouldn't.

"Malfoy stop. Please don't say that." I beg and he scoffs. "I know I've up-angered you but don't say that."

"Fuck off, Parker." He spits and a lump forms in my throat. Before I can even say anything the blonde walks away from me and I bite my tongue to prevent the tears prickling my eyes, from falling down my cheek. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would cry over Malfoy yet here I am.

"Why did you do that?" I turn around to see Cedric, whose features soften once he sees the tears in my eyes. He's blurry and I can hardly see him but I still can see his features soften.

"Why did you promise something and then not keep it?" The brunette retaliates and I shake my head and blink the tears from my eyes, allowing them to fall down my cheeks.

"You had no right to do that. There was no reason for you to tell him!" I argue.

"You're my girlfriend and you're making-

"No I'm not!" I cry out, ignoring the few odd stares off of people "You broke up with me, remember?"

"I take it back." He shrugs and I scoff. "Bella I love you and you're all I can think about. I've loved you for so many years and I will continue to love you until my dying breath."

"Cedric stop." I wipe the tears from my face and sniffle. "I don't love you anymore, I don't want you. You need to realise that. We're over. As soon as I kissed Malfoy our relationship was over and I'm not sorry if that's hurtful for you to hear because I'm sick of apologising for the same shit and you not listening."

"That's such a bitchy thing to say." Cedric insults and I shrug. I don't care. "You were begging me to not leave you, do you remember that? And now you're switching up and it's because you're spending time with Malfoy."

"No it's because I don't love you!" I correct. "And you messing up everything between Malfoy and I isn't going to change my mind!"


I walk back to my friends with my hands in my pockets and they look at me while smirking. "Don't start with me right now." I say as soon as Blaise opens his mouth to talk.

"Woah weren't the two of you about to go and conceive a child? What happened?" He questions and I walk away from the two of them but they follow me. "Hello?"

"Shut up, Blaise." I complain and he kisses his teeth. "I'm not 'with her' no more. I wasn't with her in the first place to be honest-

"You pretty much were you both were just too pussy to admit it." Pansy voices and Blaise nods. "But what happened?"

"But I don't like you I like Malfoy!" Parker yells and the other two snap their heads to see what's going on but I don't give a shit.

Parker just says things. She clearly doesn't know what she's saying once she says them.

• 'I like you' but she then proceeds to go and run back to her ex.

• 'I love you' but then cheats on her boyfriend with me

• 'I won't see Malfoy anymore' then spends the whole morning with me

• 'I won't talk to Malfoy anymore' but then talks to me

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