chapter 30.

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She likes me a lot.

I knew Parker didn't exactly hate me anymore but I didn't know how strong her feelings for me were and her pleading for me to talk to her just made me realise it.

I like her a lot too.

I don't really want to admit it but I also can't help it. Her running back to Cedric pissed me off way more than it should have because I felt my feelings weren't reciprocated but I can see now that they are, which is the precise reason that I said 'okay'.

I want to confuse her now.

I still like her of course but the way that she made me feel is scary. I can easily do it back to her but I'm not evil enough to do that so I'll just confuse her and to confuse her I shall be hot and cold. Maybe that's worse than what she did to me but she'll be alright.


My mind is reeling.

Did I just have my first 'lovers spat' with Malfoy? Or was that one of our usual arguments? Either way I didn't like it. I also don't like how he didn't give me a definitive answer.


What the heck does that mean? Does that mean that he forgives me or does it mean 'okay I'm done with you' or 'okay I don't care'? Malfoy already confuses me and already has me overthinking, I don't need him to do it more.

I know Cedric and I's relationship was beyond repair but now the hatred goes both ways. I know I did way worse to him but he had no right to do that and now I don't feel guilty..actually that's a lie. I still feel guilty but I don't feel as guilty.

Instead of standing here like a complete idiot, I stroll to find my friends before we have to go to class. I find them inside of the great hall playing a game of cards and Hermione immediately puts hers down on the table once she sees me. "Where the hell have you been?" She scolds as I slide on the bench.

"Arguing and then fixing things with Malfoy." I quip, grabbing my own set of cards; it seems like they're playing 'GO FISH' so I grab 7. "Mione have you got the eighth of spades?"

"No but I do have a question." She replies and I sigh before looking at her. "Don't ditch us for Malfoy, Bella."

"I'm not." I reassure. "I was coming to find you guys like ten minutes ago but then Cedric started something and then I had to fix it."

"Why weren't you in class?" Harry asks and he places his set of cards on the table. He doesn't seem to want to play the game anymore.

"I...I skipped." I answer honestly and Ron raises his eyebrows and nods his eyes, as if he's impressed, and Hermione looks like she could pass out.

"Wow." Harry comments and Ron smiles.

"Excuse me-what?" Hermione asks. "You have never skipped a class before!"

"I know." I say quietly. "But I already know what I need to know in Care of Magic Creatures so therefore I knew I wouldn't miss anything. Trust me if it was Charms or something then I wouldn't have skipped."

"You skipped with Malfoy, I'm guessing?" Harry adds and I nod my head.

"I told you this once but I'm telling you again, be careful." Hermione says.

"I am." I comfort and she gives me a small smile but I know she doesn't believe me...which she is right of doing so. I haven't been careful but I haven't done anything 'risky' anyway so I'm not really lying.


The lessons go by quickly and I'm just grateful that we had Transfiguration first. I don't hate Parker...well that's a lie, I do hate Parker but not any more than what I already did. She just pissed me off but I'm calm down which is why as soon as the feast is over I walk over to the Gryffindor table. She's sat with her stupid posey of friends, whom I will hate until the day I die.

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