chapter 33.

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I cried in Cedric's arms for fifteen minutes before finally stopping and he walks me to the girl's bathroom. I thank him before walking inside and I check how I look in the mirror. My eyes are more red than I thought they were and my cheeks are pink and plump. My lips look a deep red and I look horrendously tired.

I didn't know Malfoy could ever have this effect on me.

I splash my face with some cold water before walking back to the Gryffindor common room. "Is everything okay dear?" The lady in the painting asks me and I sniffle.

I say the password instead of answering her and I run to the girls dormitory. I enter Hermione and I's dorm and she is sat in bed with a book in her hands. "Hey. How was the talk with Malfoy?" She questions and my heart begins aching.

"We...he ended things because I said I wanted to be his girlfriend." I answer honestly and Hermione snaps her book closed and stands up from her bed. "You were right."

"I wish I wasn't." She says before wrapping her arms around me. I close my eyes and hug her back. "Is that seriously what happened? I will go punch the cockroach!"

"Yes that's what happened but please don't." I beg and we stop hugging. "I just want to sleep." And never wake up.

"Okay. Get some rest then. Are you alright?" The brunette questions and I shake my head. "You will be. Trust me." I offer her a fake smile and she kisses my head before climbing back into her head.

I get changed into my own pyjamas and I rub my eyes before turning off the light and climbing into bed. I turn over to my side and bury my head in the pillow.


Transfiguration is the last lesson of the day and I don't know how I'm going to cope. At breakfast, Ron couldn't help himself when he told me I looked horribly tired. Hermione tossed a croissant at his head afterwards though but if Ron can tell then Malfoy will be able to tell and I don't like that.

Once I enter the classroom, I can see the back of Malfoy's head but my seat isn't vacant like it should be. Instead, Pansy is sat there and the two are talking. "Miss Parker can I talk to you for a moment?" Professor McGonagall questions and I nod my head before walking to her at the front of the classroom. "Mr Malfoy requested that either of you move seats so I've swapped you with Miss Parkinson. You'll be sitting at the back next to Mr Zabini."

I can't even help myself but be disappointed.

He genuinely came here earlier than me so that he could ask for one of us to move, is he serious? "Okay. Thank you Professor." I reply and she nods. I turn around and look at Blaise sat at the back of the classroom. I untuck my hair from behind my ears and I do my best to not look at Malfoy.

"Hey." Blaise voices and I pull out the chair next to him. "You look like shit." I look at him and he clears his throat. "Sorry! I look tired."

"That's what every girl wants to hear." I sarcastically comment and I sit down next to him while he chuckles.

"So why'd you leave last night? I thought Malfoy said you were staying." Blaise says and I bite my cheek to prevent myself from crying.

I'm a mess.

"He didn't...tell you?" I question and Blaise furrows his brows and shakes his head. "Oh."

"So what didn't he tell me?" The brunette asks and I pull my bottom lip in between my teeth.

"He...uhm. We aren't...whatever we are- were is over." I stammer and Blaise stares at for a few seconds and then shakes his head. "What?"

"You're kidding." He states and I shake my head.
"Yeah you are- Malfoy was literally obsessed with you."

"He must be a good actor." I shrug and Blaise scoffs.

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