chapter 49.

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"You piss me off with everything you say, you can't expect a relationship with me if I can't get pissed." The blonde complains and I smile but roll my eyes at his whining.

"You can get annoyed, I can't stop that, but if we argue over anything we are going to maturely talk about it like we are doing right now." I correct and he tuts.

"That's fine." He shrugs and I smile once more. "My turn. We're taking things slow."

"What do you mean?" I question and the blonde stands from his bed and walks over to me.

"Taking more time apart, spending time with our friends...not seeing each other every night." The blonde clarifies and I hum.

That's a really good one.

"I agree." I nod and the boy smirks. "I think I'm all ruled out...what about you? Do you have any more?"

"Not right now but I'll just add them later." The blonde quietly says as he leans in and presses his lips against mine. I feel as if energy is coursing though my veins, causing my body to awaken.

I've missed this feeling.

He tastes of mint, like always, and the peppermint taste cools down my body, meanwhile he grips onto my waist as if to stop me from going anywhere. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer towards me as I breathe in his cologne. I kiss him harder and hum.

I have a rule.

"Mm, one more." I announce, pulling away and Malfoy tuts and rolls his eyes at me. "I'm not staying the night here until you ask me to be your girlfriend."

"'re not my girlfriend?" He questions and I shake my head. "What?"

"We' right now but you still can't sleep with anyone else." I clarify and he chuckles. "You can only ask me to be your girlfriend in a month too, you could ask after a month but before is a no-go."

"Woah, a month?" The boy asks and I nod my head. "...fine, yeah. Whatever. Just come here and kiss me."

"No. I always do everything-

"God you haven't changed, you still love arguing with me." The blonde comments and before I can even defend myself and prove him wrong the door swings open and Malfoy tuts as he quickly releases me from his grip.

"We gave you longer than two seconds." Goyle informs and Crabbe nods. "So can we come in or not?"

"Yeah." The boy decides and I tuck my hair behind my ears as he discreetly places his hand on my lower back, meanwhile his friends talk. "I don't want them to know, it made it worse last you agree?" He whispers in my ear and I nod.

As much as I love Blaise and he actually made things better in some situations it felt like I was dating the whole friend group and I couldn't even deal with Malfoy never mind all of his friends.

The blonde removes his hand from my back and grabs the door to keep it open. "Out." He orders and I roll my eyes.

"No need to say it like that." I argue, pretending that I am still unbelievably mad at him and he rolls his eyes but smirks as I walk past him.


I close the door once she's out of sight and look back at my friends again.

They're all staring at me.

"What?" I ask and Pansy rolls her eyes.

"What happened?" Blaise questions and I tut. "Is it bad...did you make things worse?"

"Woah, why would it be my fault? She came down here." I defend and Crabbe laughs. "But nothing happened."

"That's a lie, something definitely happened." Pansy comments and I roll my eyes at her. "We heard no yelling so I'm guessing you're whipped on her again."

"No I'm not." I defend. "We didn't yell because there was no need to yell."

I seriously don't want them to know.

I want things to go well this time. Kissing her again was possibly the best thing ever and I missed her so much. I won't ever admit that to her or anyone, for that matter, but I have missed her.

The 'mature conversation' was creeping me out, I do admit. It was weird that we didn't yell or scream at each other but I kind of enjoyed it. It was cute how she was so serious about it and I was trying to not laugh...and to control myself. I wanted to kiss her as soon as she explained why she was so upset about Melanie.

"Sure, sure." Blaise nods and I roll my eyes once more.


Now that we have sorted it out, I can finally rest and leave everything alone including him. Last time, I always wanted to see him...for everything really but we're taking things slow so he can't be the first person I think of, he should be the last.

If we're doing things differently then I should probably put more of a wall up with him.

I know that it may cause issues but I don't want a repeat of last time and I don't want to be as hurt as I ended up being. If an argument happens I want to not give a care in the word because I know it will be resolved.

I want us to be mature.

I want us to be 'Hermione Granger' level of mature.

I don't think I'm going to tell my friends yet, not until Malfoy asks me a month (if we even last that long). I want to be completely sure that things are going well before I bring my friends into the loop and I'm more than happy that Malfoy came up with the idea.

I hope things work this time.


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