chapter 8.

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"Sorry." I quickly say, "I just really need to eat..and sleep."

"Don't worry about it." Hermione smiles at me and I smile back. Ron goes back to eating his food and Harry does the same meanwhile Hermione finishes off eating hers.

"Did you guys know Melanie and Malfoy are going on a date." I gossip and Harry almost chokes on the disgusting peas he just put in his mouth. Ron drops his knife and fork and Hermione rolls her eyes at their reactions.

"Huh?" They all chorus and I nod. I know the other three are only surprised because Melanie is beyond gorgeous and it's an odd pairing, Malfoy and Melanie.

"Yup. They're gonna go to The Leaky Cauldron when we go to Hogsmeade." I don't know why I'm telling them this but I am.

"Shocking news. I thought Melanie liked Harry." Hermione says and Harry rolls his eyes, remembering how last year him and Melanie got really close and almost started dating. "What even happened there?"

"I don't know." Harry answers honestly and Ron licks his lips as he finishes eating. I realise that Ron and Hermione haven't really had a crush on anyone or been close to getting into a relationship and I look at the two of them.

"I think Ron and Hermione should date, just get it over with." I quip and Hermione's cheeks flush pink and Ron runs a hand through his blazing red hair and shakes his head. "Why not?"

"That's like me paring you up with Malfoy." Hermione says and Harry flinches a little as the meal in front of us disappears and dessert takes its place. Ron immediately grabs some trifle and I take a slice of strawberry cheesecake with some strawberries covered in chocolate on the side.

"Don't say that around Cedric." Harry laughs and I smile. I glance over at the Hufflepuff table and see him sat next to some girl with fluffy ginger hair and brown eyes. They seem to be having a nice conversation but she keeps on touching him. Her slender fingers either touch his arm or she's playfully slapping him and earning a laugh out of him. I look away and eat a strawberry.

"Or Malfoy." Ron adds with his mouth full and Hermione chuckles. It's nice that they aren't arguing for a change.

Once we all eat our desserts, we sit in the great hall for a bit longer even after the feast is over and I play wizards chess with Harry. "That game is so confusing, it's nothing like normal chess." Hermione comments.

"You mean muggle chess." Ron corrects and she rolls her eyes. He laughs at her and I swap with Ron after Harry beats me in the game.

"It's stupid." I complain and Harry smirks at me. Yes I am a sore loser and I'm not ashamed of it, who doesn't like winning?

"Sore loser." Ron insults and I huff. "What did we miss in Transfiguration?"

"Nothing. We just went over the basics for our N.E.W.Ts." Hermione answers and I nod. "It was easy, even you would know what to do Ronald."

"Very funny." Ron laughs sarcastically and Hermione giggles. "I hope we just 'go over the basics' in all our lessons."

"We probably will until we've had our exams." Hermione replies and Ron seems happy at the thought and I can't help but agree with him although I do want to learn how to do more stuff.

"Do we have Transfiguration again tomorrow?" I ask and Hermione nods. I bite my cheek to stop myself from smiling. For some reason I'm actually kind of excited. Usually I would dread it because I had to sit next to Malfoy but now I just want to hear him say my name again.


Pansy and Blaise sit on the ground playing exploding snap but I know when the game ends they're going to start bickering about who won so I sit away from them by the bookshelf in the corner of the room. I open the DATDA book and attempt to remember everything from the first page.

After five minutes, I grow bored so I put the book down. There's no way I'm going to pass any of these exams when all I can think of doing is going to sleep every time I open a book. I actually like Defence Against The Dark Arts too but I'm already good at it so I don't even know why I'm revising for it. "Are you actually revising?" Crabbe questions as he sits across from me at the table.

"No." I dryly reply and he snickers. "I mean I was going to but I might claw my eyes out of I look at any more words in that book."

"The only class you need to revise for is Transfiguration, right?" He asks me and I slowly nod. I'm good at the actual spells in that class but remembering which spells do what just confuses me. Although it's easy in Charms but that's because Flitwick's annoying voice doesn't ever leave my head. "You sit next to the second highest in the class just cheat."

"I'm not cheating in a class I don't give a shit about." I snap and Crabbe runs a hand through his messy black hair. I also don't want to cheat off of Parker, she'd probably cover her answers as she goes along so I'm not using her as a reliable source of cheating.

"Then..ask her to give you the answers." He stupidly says and I cover my face with my hands before I punch his dumb face.

"That's the same fucking thing as cheating, Crabbe." I say through gritted teeth and he scoffs. I remove my hands from my face and he shakes his head at me.

"No I mean have her tutor you or some shit." He recommends and I roll my eyes once more. It's not a stupid idea but it's a stupid thing to even say to me. Just because I had two conversations with the girl doesn't mean I can stand to be around her and my friends don't even know I had those conversations so that just raises the stupidity bar even higher.

"Crabbe did you hit your head?" I ask him and he laughs sarcastically.

"The chances of Draco asking Parker to tutor him are low, very low." Goyle voices, walking over to the table. He pulls a chair out and flips it around before sitting on it backwards. He leans on the back of the chair and looks at me. "But just put your hatred aside and get the answers for the N.E.W.Ts and give them to us. She'll probably give you them all if you manipulate her enough."

"If you shitheads think I'm going to get the answers from Parker then your delusional." I insult and Goyle sighs.

"Then I guess we're all gonna fail." Crabbe says and Pansy scoffs.

"That's a lie. I actually revised a little this morning so it's just you guys who will fail." She quips and the cards explode in front of her. Blaise smirks and she rolls her eyes before turning back to look at the game.

"Why do we need to use Parker to get the answers?" I ask and Goyle looks at Crabbe who looks at Goyle. "She's not the only person who will have the answers, Granger will."

"Yeah but who do you sit next to it Transfiguration?" Crabbe reminds and I roll my eyes. "Exactly and who's the most tolerable?"

"None of them. They both make me want to shoot myself." I reply and Goyle laughs. "And why do I have to do it, can't any of you do it?"

"No if you do it it's less suspicious because you sit next to each other. There's no reason for us to suddenly get close to her but for you it would seem natural and like you're not just using her." Crabbe continues and I huff.

"All this for answers on a few tests?" I ask and Goyle shrugs. "I'm not doing it."

"Why are you being so stubborn? You would've done it last year." Crabbe complains and his whining makes me want to run away. I ignore him and cover my face with my hands again. "You're a good actor Draco, just pretend like you're struggling and make her feel sorry for you so she gives you the answers."

"Thanks for the compliment, you can stop riding me now." I say and Crabbe immediately stands up and flips me off before walking into the boys' dormitory. I laugh at him and Goyle smirks.

"Draco just try it so he leaves it alone." Blaise suggests and I groan.

SL*T ; DRACO MALFOY Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang