chapter 52.

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I perch on the edge of the bed, twisting the thorny rose in between my fingers. "Wow, you're both alive." Blaise voices and I turn around to look at him. I slowly nod my head meanwhile Malfoy says nothing and rolls his eyes. "You got a little.." The boy brushes the corner of his mouth and nods at Malfoy.

I look at the blonde who has my tinted lipgloss around his mouth. Blaise smirks meanwhile Malfoy quickly rubs it off and stands up. My cheeks begin to burn and I untuck my hair from behind my ears. "You guys are such idiots...Malfoy you know better than this." Blaise scolds and the blonde rolls his eyes and I can tell that he means it this time. "Always and I mean always wipe your mouth after kissing someone."

"Shut up and do your work." Malfoy orders and Blaise laughs before actually listening to him and sitting across from me on his bed.

"You gave her the rose too?" Blaise taunts and the blonde grabs a pillow from his bed and I duck as he throws the white fabric across the room to Blaise's head. The brunette laughs and tosses the pillow back onto Malfoy's bed before looking at me. "Was this a moment of weakness or was I right yesterday?"

"This isn't you clearing your mind." I sold and Malfoy hums as he walks over to the bed. He sits at the top of the bed, next to Blaise, and stares at me.

I feel as if I'm being interrogated.

"Sorry Miss Parker." Blaise jokes and I chuckle meanwhile Malfoy rolls his eyes once again and he grabs the rose. "You can't take back a gift af-

"It's my pillow, Blaise, shut up." The blonde interrupts before shaking his head. He takes his wand out of his pocket and flicks his wand, the rose disappears and instead a knife takes it's place. "Keep talking, Blaise, see where it'll get you."

I laugh and Malfoy's eyes immediately go to me.

My cheeks begin to burn under his piercing stare and I grab the knife from him and hand it to Blaise. "Yeah give this guy the advantage- do you want your boyfriend to die?" Malfoy questions and I'm guessing that he doesn't care anymore since Blaise found out.

We are so sloppy.

"Boyfriend?" Blaise reacts, pointing the knife at me and Malfoy reaches over and pushes his hand down.

"Don't fucking point that shit at-

"You're not my boyfriend yet. Stop avoiding the technicalities of it all." I interrupt, even though I'm sure he was just about to scold Blaise for pointing a knife at me but I don't really care. It's not like he was close enough to stab me anyways.

Malfoy reaches for knife from Blaise and this time he points it at me. "Technicalities don't matter- don't try to fight me on this. You're not always right." The blonde taunts and I roll my eyes meanwhile Blaise kisses his teeth.

"Like you're one to talk!" Blaise exclaims and Malfoy scoffs. I laugh and place my hand out for the knife. Instead of giving it to me, Malfoy takes my hand with his free one and pulls me to the top of the bed.

"I am always right, though." He shrugs, putting his arm around my neck and I bite down on my bottom lip, attempting to avoid the smile that's trying to sneak onto my face.

Although, I cannot control the butterflies.

"You're such a liar." Blaise exaggerates and Malfoy chuckles. "Now get out of here. We didn't even finish studying."

"I'm not stopping you." The boy defends, pulling me even closer towards him. He passes Blaise the knife who drops it onto the duvet and I tuck one side of hair behind my ears.

"You're going to change it back into Malfoy's pillow...close your eyes if you need to but make sure the only thing that you're thinking of is the pillow." I advise as Malfoy runs his fingers up and down my collarbone, spreading goosebumps all over my body.

Blaise pulls his wand from his robes pocket and focuses on the knife. Malfoy takes this as an opportunity, I'm guessing, and he leans in closer towards my ear. His hot breath fans against my neck and he continues to gently run his fingers across my skin. "You should stay tonight. Break your rule." The boy whispers and I shake my head. "Rules are made to be broken, baby."



The way the word rolls off of his tongue almost convinces me to listen to him but I refuse. I said I wouldn't stay for a month so I won't. We need to make sure that we can actually last before we do anything...big like that again.  

"Alright it's done." Blaise announces and Malfoy plants a kiss on my cheek before looking at his pillow-turned rose- turned knife- turned pillow. The blonde claps his hands together and Blaise rolls his eyes.

"My work here is done." I decide and Blaise smiles at me as a thank you. I slide off the bed, causing Malfoy's arm to drop from my shoulder and I tuck my hair behind my ears once more. "Bye."

"Goodbye, Parker." Blaise lazily says and Malfoy grabs his pillow and tosses it back onto his bed where it belongs before standing up. "Seriously?"

"Blaise I'll cut your throat." The blonde warns, following behind me as I exit the common room. "If anyone else sees us, pretend we're arguing, okay?"

"If Blaise knows all of your friends are going to know." I comment and he shakes his head. "Yes they will, maybe we should just let it happen. I don't want anyone to ruin this either but if we can't tell people without the worry of what's going to come of it then we should know that now not in a month."

"I'm not telling them voluntarily." He stubbornly says and I cock my head to the side and narrow my eyes at him. "Look at me like that all you want, you won't change my mind."

"If they find out will you deny it." I question and he shakes his head. "Say it."

"Parker if my friends find out about us then I will christen you in front of them, okay?" He jokes and I roll my eyes meanwhile he laughs. "I won't deny it. Imm just not telling them. I'm not welcoming trouble in with open arms...especially Pansy."

"I hate her." I answer honestly and he laughs. "She has some sort of protective claim on you- what is that? Did you two date at some point?"

"No, we didn't date." The blonde answers and I feel like there's more for him to say but he's not saying it...


"You slept together." I guess and he slowly nods his head. "Bloody hell Malfoy, when do you have time for these extracurricular activities?"

"I don't anymore." He defends and I roll my eyes meanwhile he chuckles. "Are you jealous?"

"Of?" I prettily answer and he laughs once more. I cross my arms and glare at him. I look like an idiot when I do this, he loves to remind me.

What do I have to be jealous of? If I wanted to sleep with him then I would have by now. We haven't 'christened' any beds because I don't want to, I can't speak for Malfoy. 

"I've touched them in ways I haven't touched you yet." He simply replies, bringing his mouth to my ear and I pull my bottom lip in between my teeth. "Admit it. You're jealous."

"Why do I have to be jealous when you're with me right now?" I ask and the blonde smirks against my ear. "Now...allow me to go to sleep."

"I'll be in your dreams." He says in a sing-song voice and I roll my eyes and shake my head as I walk away from him.

He most likely will be.

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