chapter 7.

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I glance at him and he's staring at me with the sides of his lips slightly tugged upwards, like he's trying not to smile. I roll my eyes and place my cheek in the palm of my hand and stare at the spot of the table in front of him. I am mad at what he said and confused on why he said it but I also don't want to talk to him, to tell him to leave, so we'll sit in silence until he gets annoyed and leaves. I expect him to leave straight away but he doesn't, he stays sat there and allows me to ignore him. "Uh..should I go?" He asks after a while and I stay silent some more. If he wants to go he can leave, I don't understand why he's acting like what I have to say would affect his decision. "It's killing me to even think of asking this question but are...are you...are you okay?" It was a mini quarrel, which I certainly won so why wouldn't I be okay? It's a stupid question. I hate that question. It's decided.

Maybe it's because I'm tired or hungry but I am in a bad mood. I have been since I entered the girls' dormitory and I think that's when the tiredness hit me.

"Answer my question, do you know how hard it was for me to say that?" Malfoy continues and I can't help but laugh at his discomfort. Darn it. I roll my eyes again and try to stop myself from smiling but I can't. Stupid Malfoy, he had to ruin my tantrum.

"You're annoying." I say and he smiles.

"Thank you, I do it just for you I'm glad you've noticed." He jokes and I shake my head but I don't stop myself from laughing. "But answer my question I won't have that go unnoticed."

"What was your question?" I ask and I get the reaction I was hoping for. His face twists in discomfort and he grimaces like he's about to be sick. "I'm serious, what was the question?" I know exactly what the question was, I just want to hear him say it again.

"Shut up." Malfoy quips and I chuckle. "I asked...are you...oh...oh..."

"Oh..." I mock in a sing-song voice and he rolls his eyes. "Am I oh? What does that mean?"

"Are you okay?" He snaps and I smile some more. "Happy?"

"Very." I tease and he sticks his middle finger up at me. I swat his hand down like he's a fly before placing my cheek in the palm of my hand again. "Yes I am okay...thank...thank...ew I can't say it." I mock and he rolls his eyes at me again. "Thank you."

"I want to throw myself off the bridge now." He gags and I laugh.

"Do it, I won't stop you." I taunt and he glares at me. Somehow I can tell that it's just a joke and I think back to how I wanted to wrap my hands around his throat yesterday but today we've had nice conversations. It feels weird.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Draco asks, interrupting my thoughts and I sigh.

"I was just thinking of ways to kill you." I shrug and he looks me up down, like he's analysing my figure and seeing if I could actually kill him.

"The worst you could do is stab me and you'd have a hard time doing that." The blonde replies and I scoff.

"How?" I question and he smirks.

"I'm too quick for you." He brags and I can tell it's a joke but I still roll my eyes at him. More students walk out into the courtyard and some have trays of food in their hands. I realise that it's time for the feast and that means Draco and I have been talking for a while.

"I'm gonna go find my friends." I voice and he nods. I stand up and tuck some loose strands of hair behind my ear. "Try not to throw yourself or anyone of a bridge while I'm gone."

He laughs at me and I slip out from the table, "yeah I'll try." He says and I smile, my jaw is beginning to hurt with the amount of smiling I've done today and why do I feel guilty that only 1% of that was because of Cedric? "Do you even have any friends to find?"

"Shut up." I complain, pushing his head while he laughs at me. "If I didn't I'd still be sat there and allowing you to bother me?"

"Excuse you, I asked you if you wanted me to leave." He reminds while smirking at me and I cross my arms. He always has an answer to everything.

"Yes well I didn't want to talk to you." I reply and his smirks grows.

"Oh so you want to talk to me now?" He asks with a slight tone of seriousness to his voice. I shake my head at the stupid question but I also find myself smiling.

"No." I simply say and he chuckles.

"Wow Bella. You're a shit liar." Malfoy claims and I believe this is the first time since I had met the blonde that he has ever called me Bella. It brings heat to my cheeks and I can feel them getting hot from the way my name rolls off of his tongue.

"I admit not arguing with you is nice but I would say that about anyone." I reply, acting like I wasn't just about to turn into putty because he said my name...a nickname. It's because I'm hungry and tired, I really need to eat.

"Hm sure." Draco says with his voice laced with sarcasm and I know he's doing it to tease me, to get a reaction from me but I am not going to give into it. I roll my eyes and keep my arms crossed instead of walking away to go find my friends like I said I would. "Go find your 'friends' that you apparently have." It's as if he read my mind.

"Only so that I don't strangle you." I quip and he chuckles.

"Bye then, Parker." He waves and I actually wish he said Bella...even Belle. I shake my head before turning around and walking back inside the great hall. It's only when I'm standing in the heated space do I realise how cold it was outside and it sends goosebumps all over my body even though I'm not out there anymore.

I keep my arms crossed as I search for my friends at the Gryffindor table. They're sat there and much to my surprise, Hermione and Ron are not arguing. "Bella where were you?" Ron asks, grabbing a chicken leg. I sit next to him, across from Hermione and Harry, and grab myself a chicken leg.

"I was outside in the courtyard." I say, piling more food onto my plate. I notice Hermione's hands are no longer covered in ink and her hair is in a neater bun.

"Doing what?" Harry questions before taking a sip of water. He probably thinks I was outside studying for the N.E.W.T exams which I probably should have been doing but obviously I wasn't.

"Talking to...Cedric." I lie. I'm lying to them because I know they would think I'm crazy, Draco wanted to commit murder yesterday and today he's my 'friend'. Tomorrow he'll probably turn out to be my cousin.

They must know I'm lying because they all exchange weird glances with each other. "Well, I talked to Cedric for a bit but then he left and came in here." I tell the truth and Ron hums beside me. "Ask him. It's not a big deal."

I'm telling myself it's not a big deal.

I glance over at the Slytherin table to see Draco and his friends laughing at something. I look back at my plate of food and remind myself that I'm in a bad mood because I'm hungry not because Draco is going on a date with Melanie. There's no reason for me to care about that.

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