chapter 16.

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"Bella!" I turn around and see Cedric jogging towards me. I smile when I see him and plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Hi." I say, sweetly, and he kisses my forehead. I inhale his cologne and close my eyes as I bask in the smell. "Did you know I was here?"

"Yeah. I saw your friends and Hermione told me you were with Trelawney 'participating in stupid activities' she said." Cedric informs and I laugh. "But...what were you two doing?"

"Having my fortune read." I shrug and he raises an eyebrow. "I wanted to test it! But don't worry it's all a bunch of nothingness."

"Why what'd she say?" The brunette chuckles and I smile, nervously. I don't know whether to tell him or not because he might freak out...but he also doesn't believe in this type of stuff so it should be okay. I think.

"Well she told me that I picked the wrong boy or something like that." I fake laugh, hoping to hear Cedric joining in but he doesn't.

"Huh?" He asks and I tuck my hair behind my ears.

"It's not real, Cedric." I remind and he scoffs. "Are you mad?"

"Am I mad?" He repeats and I nod. "What do you mean 'picked the wrong boy' is she talking about Malfoy?"

"Cedric come on, you know there was no decision to be made when it comes down to you two. I love you. Please, I'm begging you, don't read too much into this." I say and the boy runs a hand through his hair.

"I told you not to speak to Malfoy anymore." He reminds and I cross my arms. "Have you? Have you spoken to him?"

"In potions." I answer and he scoffs, "Cedric stop. We were arguing, okay and then he apologised and Slughorn told us to sit down and we did."

"You promised me you wouldn't speak to him." The brunette quips and I nod. I know what I said. "But you did it anyway."

"Cedric, Malfoy and I have a billion classes together we are bound to have to speak to each other occasionally." I defend and he rolls his eyes. I can't keep having this fight with him, he doesn't listen.

"Did you have to speak to each other in potions?" He questions and I shake my head. "See! This is what I'm talking about!"

"Talking about what? I'm not allowed to communicate with the male species anymore?" I argue back and I know I am being petty but so is he.

"Do you honestly think that I don't know about the kiss?" He asks and I stay silent and try not to let my mouth fall to the floor. "Yup, that's what I thought so stop trying to make me sound crazy when you're kissing him behind my back."

"It was one time-

"And I thought that you'd tell me! I thought with the guilt that you would have felt and the love that you were supposed to have for me, that you would have told me and agreed to not speak to him anymore! But you can't seem to manage that so why don't you just go be with him because honestly I'm done with you!" Cedric rants and I feel my heart stop.

"No Cedric, please." I say and he scoffs again, I can't blame him. "I do love you, I love you so much but I was vulnerable. We had a fight and I was upset, he took advantage of that and so did I. I'm so sorry that I did that to you but please don't let me go."

"We're done. It's over... okay?" The boy says before swiftly turning around and walking away. I stand still for a few seconds and allow myself to feel sadness but that sadness quickly turns to anger.

I'm going to kill Malfoy.


I listen to the the annoying sound of Pansy and Crabbe arguing about some shit I don't really care about and I play with the chunky black ring on my finger. I remember my parents gave it to me a few years ago, it's a family heirloom apparently and I actually like it.

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