59~ An Illusion

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"Damn it! The longer we sit here the tighter they are going to close in" Oliver sighed. "If we don't do something we will be killed" Ray said has he paced up and down the tunnel. "What do we do? How do we escape? What move do we make?" Emma asked herself out loud.

Y/n stared at the ground for a few moments, still holding Chris in her arms. "We have to kill the attackers. If we don't kill them they'll kill us" y/n said, looking at Ray. The raven haired boy thought for a few moments. "Breaking through the siege or sneaking out the exits can't be done without them spotting us. Here are too many of us it's impossible....no you are right..if we leave them alive they'll come after us" Ray said. "But if we want to protect everyone we have to kill all of them" y/n said. "But...they are humans...we would have to kill people. But even if we could what about Emma and the others? Most of the group couldn't do that...I don't even know if I can" Ray explained to y/n. The (h/c) haired girl sighed. "They are wearing bullet proof vests and they probably have night vision scopes and they are using gas bombs. There are way more of us than them, we can't move as fast....it's over if they use gas. And even if we face them head on some of us will die...I can't let that happen" y/n said. "We have to escape quickly.." Ray added. "But through which exit!! And how?! One mistake could get us all killed. We don't know how many of them are going to attack from which side..."y/n trailed off.

"Y/n, Emma, Ray!" Oliver shouted from the back of the crowd, drawing everyone's attention. Oliver ran towards Emma with Rossi beside him who was seriously out of breath. "Rossi!" Emma smiled. Y/n and Ray walked towards the boy. "Are you okay?!" Emma asked. "And Lucas? Is he alright?" Yugo asked. "He's...okay... he'll come later...he said he would break the monitors....and he already defeated one enemy..." Rossi said, out of breath.

"Here!" The boy said, handing a walkie talkie to Emma. "The enemies commutation device" y/n said as the three looked at the phone in Emma's hand. "I was listening to it, he gave a few commands while I was running here. They told all the enemies positions. Ground level, second emergency exit, north hallway,central western edge " Rossi explained. "The south hallway, that's the one!!" Emma said. "Good job Rossi" Y/n smiled. "You saved us" Ray said, ruffling Rossis hair. "If any enemy is blocking us at the north hallway his path obey connects to our path here" Emma said, drawing the layout of the tunnels into the dirt on the floor.

"If we cut across here before the enemy comes down...we can break through!" Emma announced. "But why did our enemies position themselves in a way where there's a gap?" Oliver asked. "Oh! Lucas said that they don't know about the secret telephone room and the armoury under the dining area" Rossi explained. "But where's Lucas right now?" Y/n asked. "Once he destroys the monitor room he said he'll go open the usual entrance" Rossi said. "Of course" Yugo laughed. "Then our plan is set" Ray said.

All the children raced through the tunnels, y/n still holding Chris tightly in her arms. "This way!" pointed Yugo, guiding everyone. "Paula and I will go on ahead to help Lucas out" Oliver said to the group as y/n, Ray and Emma nodded, the pair disappeared ahead.

Meanwhile Lucas took the uniform of the man he killed in the monitor room and disguised himself as one of Andrews men. He hid by the entrance and shot one of the men patrolling the area. "Lucas!!" Oliver smiled up at the man who smiled back in relief.

Everyone made it to the door entering the outside. The sky was dark and full of little bright stars, lighting the atmosphere. "Finally we made it!!" Cheered the children. "That was so scary!!" Emma said with a sigh. "How's Chris?" Yugo asked y/n who at this point was exhausted from carrying the boy. "Not too great" she said. "I'll take him for a while" Emma smiled, taking Chris into her arms. "You okay?" Ray asked y/n, walking towards her. Y/n hugged him tightly as she closed her eyes. "Yeah I'm okay" she said with a sigh of relief.

"Yugo" Lucas called. "Is everyone here?" Yugo asked the children as some of the younger ones were hugging his legs. "Yeah!" The young children nodded. "Then now is your chance to go" Said Yugo. "Wait what?" Y/n asked, walking towards the man. "Lucas and I will catch up to you. We need to make sure the rest of those men won't come after us" explained Yugo. Y/ns eyes widened. "Then I'll come too" she said. "Same here" Ray added. Yugo looked at Ray for a moment, catching the teens attention. "You understand right?" Yugo asked. Ray stared at the man for a few seconds hesitantly then nodded. "Y/n we better not go" Ray said as he put his hand on her shoulder. "You kids shouldn't be burdened with this, leave it to the old geezers right?" Yugo laughed.

"But-" y/n began. "Besides we only have two masks" Yugo said as Lucas nodded. "Serves those men right, gas and guns won't work on us" he smiled. "But Yugo-" y/n said as her thoughts filled with worry. "Y/n it's the best way. Don't worry we will catch up soon. Just get everyone to a safe place and get Chris treated. Get away safely" Yugo said. "Okay...got it" y/n nodded. Yugo put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small folded old piece of paper. "Look after this for me" he said with a smile as y/n took it from his hands. "See you soon then" Ray put his hand out for Yugo to shake, but unexpectedly Yugo pulled Ray into a hug with a smile, Ray hugged Yugo back and closed his eyes. Y/n laughed at their actions. "I didn't know you guys were so close!" She smiled. "He's like a son to me" Yugo joked as Rays face turned red from embarrassment , Lucas and Y/n smiled at the two.

"You'll definitely be back right?" Emma asked. "Yeah" Lucas nodded. The group waved at the two as they began to walk back to the shelter.

All the children walked into the deep green forest in the cold of the night. Yugo and Lucas placed the masks over their faces and hopped back down into the shelter. "Back to our nostalgic shelter" Yugo laughed. "Yeah Perfect for our final resting place" Lucas said. "I hope they all make it safely into the forest" Yugo sighed. "They'll be fine" Lucas reassured him.


Sorry for any typos!!

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