21: Echo

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I watched in horror as the Autobots dragged my sire into the base and strapped him down to a prison berth. I couldn't believe that they were able to take him down, yet here he was. I didn't know what to feel, I was mortified that he was hurt, yet I was also angry that he was brought here.

"Y/D, it would be best if you weren't here to witness the interrogation." Optimus said.

"What did you do to him?!" I snapped, wincing as the protoform in my tanks kicked in response to the stress. "S-scrap."

"Sweetspark, please don't stress yourself out." Ratchet said softly, his servo on the small sized bump in my tanks. Ratchet then led me away from the main room while the others interrogated him, my spark racing and quiet sobs escaping me. We sat in our shared berthroom, Ratchet gently rubbing my tanks.

"I'm scared, Ratchet." I whispered, leaning into Ratchet and clinging to him.

"I know, love, I am too. This is a very dangerous situation we have been presented. Just know I won't let anything happen to you or our sparkling." He gently kissed my helm and then the area above my spark, his servo tracing circles on my tanks. I let out a small sigh of exhaustion, Ratchet guiding me to the berth and having me lay down. "Just try and get some rest. I'll check back on you in a few moments." I simply nodded and closed my optics to go into recharge.

Ratchet hesitantly left the berthroom and closed the door, returning to the main room where Soundwave was laying completely still.

"Doctor, the prisoner, has forced himself to shut down." Ultra Magnus said. Ratchet nervously ran a scan over Soundwave, turning to the others.

"He's still functioning, but he is in a deep stasis. Did he mention anything about what Megatron was planning?"

"No, old friend." Optimus said. "We are on our own. But when he does come back online, we will have to use more drastic measures."

"Optimus, this is Y/D's only living family member. I ask that we show Soundwave mercy."

"We will, Ratchet. I do, however, urge you to make sure Y/D stays away from him. He's extremely vulnerable at this point in time, and I fear for his safety and the unborn sparkling he carries."  Little did any of them realize that I had been listening in the entire time. I didn't know what to think of the situation, he was my sire yet... he wasn't. He wasn't the kind and protective sire I knew before the war before my carrier died.

"Y/D?" I heard Arcee say, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Hm?"  I said, putting on a facade of indeference.

"Are you okay?"

"I will be, this... this situation with my sire has me a bit rattled." I said. "I've been trying to come to terms with the sire I once knew is gone, yet I just can't seem to do it." I sighed, fatigue hitting me again. "And go top it off. This little devil is draining me." I said as I rubbed my tanks. I felt the protoform kicking inside.

"I... can I?" Arcee asked, and I chuckled as she placed her servo on my tanks. The protoform gave her a hard kick, much to her amusement. "Got a fighter in there."

"More like a little scraplet." I chuckled.

Ratchet and I were alone at the base yhe following morning, Ratchet constantly trying to keep me away from going near Soundwave despite my protests. I eventually gave up and went to work on the Synth-En, an eery sense that something was going to happen. And by Primus, was I right. Laserbeak had broken through the glass window of the hanger and freed my sire.

"Ratchet, look out!" I cried out as Soundwave went after him. I suddenly felt his tendril grab me and send a shock of electricity through me, knocking me into stasis.

Echo (TFP Ratchet x Mech!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now