12: Remember Me

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"L-Lord Megatron!" Knockout panicked, seeing my limp frame his arms. "Oh Primus, you weren't just... nevermind. Lay him here." Megatron complied and laid me on my backstruts, my spark feeling like it was tearing itself apart.

"Make it stop." I rasped through clenched denta. "It hurts! Primus, it hurts!" I felt my core temperature rise, and my frame sieze up. Knockout then quickly hooked me up to several monitors, a worried expression on his face as he studied the readings.

"Try to relax Y/D, slow vents. I need to talk to Lord Megatron." Knockout said, pulling the warlord aside. I could hear him whisper to Megatron, but barely.

"Have you bonded with him?" He whispered, to which he shook his helm no. "Well, he's bonded to someone, and that bond is breaking. It's putting him under severe stress, and I fear he's going into system failure."

"What?!" Megatron whisper-yelled.

"Look, what I can do is force the break to accelerate. However, he has to remain awake for it and... it's not the most pleasant. If we let the break proceed naturally, we may lose him."

"Do what is necessary. I will not lose my greatest asset." Knockout nodded and then returned to me.

"Doll, this is going to hurt a lot, but I promise you it's for your own good."

"Just... make it stop..." I sobbed. Knockout gently popped open my chassis, my (f/c) spark straining inside. He then took a special scalpel and, after taking in a vent, gently sliced into my spark. I felt the bond completely snap, one name escaping my dermas in a hushed whisper

"Ratchet...." I felt a wave of numb course through me as I flopped back onto the medical berth. My rapid sparkbeat slowed almost to a flatline before rising back to a normal rhythm.

"Phew! That was close." Knockout said as he closed my chassis. Megatron then went back to my side and pulled me close.

"M...Megatron...." I whimpered.

"I'm here, Y/D."

"That... that hurt." I grunted, sitting up and grabbing my throbbing helm.

"Easy doll, I just performed open spark surgery on you. In all honesty, you shouldn't even be conscious. Then again, you are tougher than you look."

"I... I guess." I said, leaning against the warlord in exhaustion. Knockout then ran a few scans over my frame and concluded I could be released from the medical bay so long as I didn't do anything intense or experience any high stress.

"Excellent work, Knockout." Megatron said, gently helping me to my pedes. He then led me out of the medical bay and back to the bridge where I was now resting against him on the throne. I felt his digits mindlessly wander around my chassis, lulling me into a light recharge.

I heard Soundwave aproach us, and I didn't need to see him to tell he was worried.

"He's fine, Soundwave, but he was bonded to someone. That autobot medic of all people." Megatron said softly, unaware that I wasn't as in deep of a recharge as I was letting on. "You may have removed his memory files, but I fear it may not have been enough."

'Sire... deleted my memories?' I thought.

"No, I do not think he knows it was you. You did exactly as I instructed. This bond was an unforseen circumstance. This means we must proceed with caution with both Orion and Y/D. If either of them regained their memory, we would end up at a huge disadvantage."

'You mother fucker!' I thought, keeping my anger inside.

"Knockout was able to sever the bond, soon I plan on creating one with him once he's recovered. I fear the separation has weakened his spark."

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