15: Spark

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Megatron rarely let me out of his sight or his grip, which made my plans to sabatoge Darkmount increasingly more and more difficult. I was starting to lose hope that I would never be free again. Megatron would often keep me at his side purely to agitate Starscream, who would constantly shoot daggers at me with his optics.

Whenever I was alone, Starscream would not hesitate to vocalize his complaints to me.

"I know your game Y/D, you are only accepting this... proposal Lord Megatron has given you because you want the throne to yourself!" He snapped. I cocked a ridge at him with crossed arms, and I decided to mess with the seeker.

"No, the throne is more comfortable when someone else is already sitting on it." I said, referring to how Megatron would constantly have me on his lap whenever he was at his throne. "Why are you so concerned?"

"I have only the best interests in mind for our master." He said, clearly lying. He then advanced closer to me, backing me into a corner. I focused on staying calm, not showing any emotion. The seeker then slid a sharp digit up my side, tracing my various seams. "And I think you are no more than a pleasure bot to him."

"Oh puh-lease." I huffed, gently pushing Starscream back. Starscream growled and pinned me to the wall, his face dangerously close to mine. "Starscream, you have 10 seconds to let me go. Now." I said, trying to sound intimidating, but in actuality, I was terrified.

"When will you realize that there can only be one ruler of the Decepticons. And that ruler is me!"

"You think you could lead the Decepticons? You couldn't lead a parade." I snapped at him, my spark burning from the stress. I noticed Megatron had returned and was watching the scene play out.

"Do not underestimate me, Y/D! I snuff -"

"You snuffed Cliffjumper bra-fraging-vo. You're soo powerful and brave. Wow, it's such an amazing thing to be you. I bet all the femmes want to frag you and blah de blah blah blah." I said sarcastically, the rate of my spark reaching dangerously fast. "Now get your filthy servos off of me before I chuck you right into the smelter after ripping your t-cog out with my denta!"

"You're afraid of me, aren't you Y/D." Starscream sneered, leaning close to my audial. "I like it when my targets are afraid. Especially those who think they can take me down." There was a disgusting hint of lust in his voice, my frame shifting nervously. "You are mine, Y/D."

"No, he isn't Starscream." Megatron sneered, the seekers wings drooping in fear. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't force you to join the Allspark?"

"M-master, I was um just um." Starscream stammered, releasing me and backing away. "I-I..."

"Leave him be Megatron. He was just being an aft." I said sternly, looking to the cowardly seeker with a faux bold confidence. "An aft that should remember that despite being second in command, I outrank him. And, said second in command should respect that and learn to keep his servos to himself."

"Y-yes Y/D, please forgive me." Starscream stammered.

"Just get out of my sight. I'm too exhausted to deal with your nonsense." Starscream complied and ran off without another word. I felt the fatigue and weakness slam into me, my helm spinning and a groan escaping me. My spark hurt with each pulse, and I felt like I was getting weaker by the moment. "F-frag..." I whispered, falling forward as my legs gave out. Megatron caught me and gently lowered me to the floor, a look of strange worry in his face.

"Y/D. You overexherted yourself. Why did you not call for vehicons?" Megatron asked. "Especially when he was so close to you."

"Just... just let me rest. Please..." I whispered. Megatron growled and picked me up bridal style and brought me to the medical bay.


"It happened again, didn't it?" Knockout said as Megatron laid me on the medical berth. "He's been getting weaker and weaker, and I can't determine why."

"Figure it out, Knockout! Now!" Megatron barked, leaving the medical bay.

"'FiGuRe iT oUT KnOcKOuT', what do I look like a miracle worker?" Knockour muttered to himself. I gave him a frail apologetic look, catching his attention. "Listen, I am not going to sugar coat this Y/D. You are in serious medical trouble. I'm afraid I am going to have to ask Shockwave for assistance." I gave Knockout a small nod, too tired to argue.

Knockout left for a moment and returned with Shockwave, the lavender mech looking over my now paler colored frame.

"I can't seem to keep him from going into system failure. Each time he has an episode, the more and more strength he loses." Knockout said, hooking up several sensors to me and even putting me on spark support.

"You said you manually severed the bond he had?" Shockwave asked.

"I had to. It was killing him."

"That is illogical. A breaking bond may feel like death, but it can not actually cause it." Shockwave then opened my chassis, studying my weak spark. "You didn't sever the bond, Knockout. You merely created a manual block. I do not know where you learned such incompetence, but the damage that you have done is what is truly killing him."

"Can you reverse it?" Knockout asked in a panic.

"Logic dictates it is possible. However, it will not be simple. I will need to remove his spark from his chamber in order to do the proper repairs."

"N-no..." I whispered, my spark straining.

"Y/D, you must calm down." Shockwave said. "It is illogical to panic. Knockout, put him in stasis so I may perform the procedure."

"Shouldn't we run this by Megatron first?" Knockout asked. The sparkrate monitor slowly started to flatline as I grew more and more stressed. "Scratch that, do it now!"

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