3: The Humans

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A/N the above image is how I imagine Y/D looks like. Art belongs to me.
I awoke when Ratchet stood up, the motion causing me to jump. I opened my optics and blinked in confusion, then the realization set in, and I was super embarrassed. I stood up and was about to apologize when the sound of 3 engines cut me off. I looked over and saw Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee with their human charges, the humans giving me a weird look.

I hesitantly backed away, unsure of what to make of them. I had never seen humans up close. Sire would never allow it. I then hesitantly stepped to the side, retreating back towards my berthroom. I could overhear the humans talking to their guardians, causing me to stop and hide out of sight.

"What the frag is a Decepticon doing here?!" The girl asked angrily.

"Miko, I told you we had a new bot at the base." Bulkhead said.

"But you didn't tell me it was going to be a Soundwave look alike!" The girl, Miko, yelled loudly.

"Y/D is no longer part of the Decepticons." Ratchet said sternly.

"But what if he turns on us?" The black haired boy said.

"He's in no condition to do that, Jack." Arcee said. "He's... broken. I only feel sorry for him."

'I don't want your pity.' I thought angrily. I continued to my berthroom and went to a corner facing the doorway, sliding down into a sitting position with my legs pulled up to my chassis and my arms wrapped around them. I pressed my forehelm to my knee plates and stared blankly at the floor.

I heard the sound of small footsteps entering. I then felt a tiny hand tap on my pede, and I looked over to see the smallest of the humans looking up at me along with the other two.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Don't worry yourself with me, small one." I said softly. "I'll be fine. But your concern is appreciated."

"Okay, I have to ask," Miko said, approaching me with a strange sort of confidence. "You're dad is Soundwave, right?"

"What's a dad?" I asked, a ridge cocked. "If you are asking if Soundwave is my sire, then yes."

"Do you have those tentacle things like he does?" I snorted in amusement at her question, releasing one of my 6 tendrils from my back.

"If these are what you are referring to, then yes, I have 6 of them."

"Why so many?" Jack asked.

"I was tasked with repairs and maintenance of the Nemesis along with weapons manufacturing and development. It made it easier for me to juggle various things at once."

"You ever scrap with anyone before? Miko asked. I shifted a bit and looked away from the girl, unsure of what to say.

"Miko, I don't think he wants to talk about that sort of thing." Jack said.

"There you are!" I heard Ratchet say. I looked up at him with a sort of half smile. "You 3 are supposed to be doing your homework."

"Aww, c'mon, Ratchet! Homework is boring!" Miko whined.

"Ep ep ep ep, no excuses." The three humans then left the room reluctantly. "I'm sorry about them, Y/D. They can be a nuisance."

"It's fine, Ratchet." I said, standing up. "They were... pleasant, although the one called Miko is too curious for her own good."

"I couldn't agree more." Ratchet said with helm shake. "How are you feeling?"

"I'll live..." I said, a fake smile on my face.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." Ratchet said. I nodded and watched as he left. I sat on my berth and took out the data pad, pulling up the synthetic energon formula I had copied. I studied it for a bit, noting down possible hypotheses for how to stabilize it. It took me a few hours, but I felt like I made some progress.

'I should show Ratchet.' I thought, standing and heading to the main area with the data pad. I spotted Ratchet at his work station, and I gently tapped him on the shoulder.

"What is it?" He asked, turning around and looking up at me.

"I think this would be helpful." I said, handing him the data pad. Ratchet took it with a curious look and studied what was on the screen, a look of bewilderment on his face.

"You have a grasp on chemical engineering?" He asked.

"A little, I kinda had a knack for the field of science." I said sheepishly. "But as you can see, the mathematical factorial for the compound would become more stable if we countered the ion base with a more acidic compound. Least in theory, I am only making loose hypotheses."

"Nerd!" I heard Miko yell from the little human area. I snorted in amusement at her comment.

Ratchet and I continued to discuss the chemical composition and molecular structure for the synthetic energon while the humans did their homework. We managed to solidify a hypothesis on how to stabilize it.

"I have to admit Y/D, I don't think I would have gotten a starting point without you." Ratchet said.

"It's the least I can do for your kindness." I said with a small smile. I found myself getting lost in his beautiful aqua optics, snapping out of it, and regaining my composure. "Besides. I think I can learn a thing or two from you if you'll allow me."

"I wouldn't mind, I'll have to confirm it with Optimus when he returns. But I have to ask how you obtained your current skillset?"

"It's... complicated. I developed weaponry and... other things. Most of them were purely out of curiosity. Some... were used for nefarious purposes against my wishes." I said, hugging myself slightly and looking down.

"I... I'm sorry, Y/D." Ratchet said.

"It's fine, I just have a hard time talking about it." I said. "I just hope I can undo the atrocities I created. Or at the very least atone for their effects."

"I'm sure whatever it is that you are referring to isn't as destructive as you believe." Ratchet said.

'If only you knew.' I thought to myself.

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