14: Fallout

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After countless struggles, we were finally at the Omega Lock. Unfortunately, the Decepticons were here too, and they had the upper hand. I watched in horror as Megatron brought forward the humans, anger boiling in me.

"Surrender the relics and Y/D, so I may return your little pets." Megatron sneered.

"I'm not going without a fight." I snarled.

"Oh, you are in no position to argue Y/D. But I admire your courage."

"You only want me because I know too much." I snapped. Megatron gave me a sinister laugh. "So why not just snuff out my spark?!" I felt myself buckle slightly as my spark pointed in my chassis, my frame becoming weak.

"Y/D, stand down before you go into system failure again," Optimus said sternly.

"Come along quietly. You know it is for the best." Megatron smirked. "Especially with your current condition."

"I wouldn't... ngh, be like this if you h-hadn't messed... with my spark." I forced myself to say, my core temperature threatening to rise.

"Doll, I'd listen to Big M if I were you." Knockout said, a hint of worry in his voice. I looked over to Ratchet with a sad look.

"Go Y/D. I will find you." Ratchet said.


"Please. For your sake... and for the humans' sake."

"Come along, and leave that behind." Megatron sneered, gesturing to Kingslayer. I reluctantly handed it over to Ratchet, slowly making my way over to Megatron. I was then grabbed by a set of vehicons and escorted to the Nemesis, my spark aching as I tried to remain calm.

I was then brought to the brig and was shoved inside one of the cells. The laser bars rose up behind me, trapping me inside.

"You better behave this time." One of the vehicons chided. I gave him a Ratchet-grade huff and went to the berth, sitting on it and scrunching myself into the corner. I pulled my legs to my chassis and rested my helm on my knees. I quietly began to sing in an effort to calm myself.

"Hush now
Dry your eyes
Fate is upon us
The changing of times
Blood red skies
Burn in wake of
A world left behind. "

Unknown to me, Megatron had activated the Omega Lock with a wicked grin.

"What shall I call my new domain, New Kaon? Or Gilded Earth."

"Can't escape the fallout
Feel the fire rain down
See the shadows rising all around
Can't escape the fallout

I sang, a battle raging outside that I was blind to.

"Down to the ashes
Bones are left to dry
Waves of desolation
There's nowhere safe to hide

Can't escape the fallout
Feel the fire rain down
See the shadows rising all around
Can't escape the fallout
Can't escape the fallout
Feel the fire rain down
See the shadows rising all around
Can't escape the fallout
Can't escape the fallout

I finished the song with a quiet sob, tears pouring from my optics. I continued to cry and cry, everything crashing down all around me and a familiar urge to end my own life creeping its way back into my mind.

'No... this isn't the time to give up.' I thought. 'The others need you, Ratchet needs you.' I slowed down my vents and tried to regain my composure. 'You have the ability to dismantle everything from the inside out.' I then leaned back against the cold wall, exhaustion taking over. I let out a weak sigh and closed my optics, falling into a light recharge.

I was awoken from my recharge by the sound of the bars of my cell deactivating, Starscream entering with a pair of vehicons.

"Get up." He ordered. I reluctantly complied, stumbling a little as an idea formed in my mind.

'Sire won't let Megatron terminate me for being this way, but I can use it to my advantage. Appear weak and then strike when they least expect it.' I thought. I then started to put my plan into action, my frame buckling and the vehicons catching me.

"Utterly useless, bring him to Lord Megatron. I'll let him deal with this pathetic pile of scrap." Starscream said. The vehicons then lead me out of the Nemesis and into the unexpected Darkmount. I felt myself panic, but I regained my composure.

'Stay calm. If it's a copy of the one on Cybertron, then you can sabatoge it.' I thought, the vehicons bringing me to the throne at the top. There sat Megatron, on one side of him stood Starscream and Soundwave, on the other stood the last mech I ever wanted to see again.

"Hello, Shockwave." I snarled, glaring at the one optic mech. "Thought you'd been sent to the Allspark by now."

"It is illogical for you to be hostile towards me." Shockwave said. "Especially in your current condition."

"Just... what do you slaghelms want?" I asked, faking pain and stumbling to my knees. The vehicons steadied me with uncertainty.

"Y/D, you know what I want." Megatron said. "You are in no condition to argue. This is your last chance."

'Play him Y/D, beat him at his own game.' I thought.

"Fine... you... you win." I whispered, my helm hung low. "I submit."

"Bring him to me." Megatron ordered, the vehicons leading me closer to the warlord. Megatron stood and pulled me close. I completely submitted to his advances, too tired to even put up a fight. "You really are giving up, aren't you?"

"There's no point in fighting the inevitable." I whispered, gently wrapping my arms around his waist and nuzzling into his chassis. Megatron seemed surprised by this but gladly accepted the gesture.

"I knew you would see reason Y/D." Megatron said, lifting my helm up and pressing his dermas against mine. I didn't fight it, I couldn't give away my ulterior motives, so I closed my optics and let it happen. When he broke the kiss, I swore I saw a flicker of blue in his optics.

"Master, how do we know he won't betray us again?" Starscream growled.

"Because Y/D knows too much, and he is in no condition or position to argue." Megatron snarled, pulling me onto his lap on the large throne. I nestled myself into his lap so that I was comfortable and rested my helm against him. This was going to be a difficult thing to do, but if I played my cards right, I would be on top.

A/n yeah, I did change this chapter around. I wasn't liking how it was going, so I reverted and am going in another direction. Anywho toodles!

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