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I awoke some time later to the sound of quiet sighs. I opened my optics to see Ratchet sitting on a crate next to me, his arms crossed and resting on the medical berth by my side. He had his helm resting on his arms and was clearly in deep recharge. I studied his peaceful expression, a small smile tugging at my face. I felt my spark flutter when he moved, his optics opening and spotting that I was awake. He quickly sat up, a flustered expression on his face.

"Y/D, I um... how long were you awake?" He asked, forcing himself to regain his composure.

"Not long." I said, slowly sitting up. "What... what happened? The last thing I remember was escaping the Nemesis."

"You were in system failure when you contacted us." Ratchet said, his ridges furrowed. "I... I was afraid I had lost you. But I have to ask, what happened that made you go into system failure?"

"I... Megatron found out I had carrier coding from my sire. He wanted me to carry his sparklings." I said, a shiver going down my backstruts. "Disgusting..."

"Mechs typically don't have carrier coding. May... may I ask why you have it?" Ratchet asked. I shrank away from the question, a pang of fear in my spark.

"I-I... look, you can't tell anyone, okay?" I said, my servos playing with each other. "I... I wasn't always a mech. I was a femme, but it didn't feel right. So I modified myself after gaining the support from my sire so I would become a mech. Unfortunately, the carrier coding was the only thing I couldn't get rid of without causing serious damage."

Ratchet paused at my words, clearly deep in thought. I shifted nervously, snapping him out of his mind.

"Look, um... I know my situation isn't usual." I said meekly. "You probably think I'm disgusting o-or something weird."

"What? No, not at all." Ratchet said, sitting on the medical berth next to me. He then gently cupped my face with his servo. "It doesn't matter to me whatsoever." I felt my spark flutter again, a smile cracking in my face. I saw a hint of blue rise to his faceplate as I gently reached for the side of his helm.

I then retracted nervously, not wanting to cause him discomfort.

"I'm sorry, that um. That was very forward." I said shyly. "I um, I should uh, g-go." I stood and went to leave for my berthroom but was stopped by Ratchet grabbing my servo.

"Before you do, can I... request something of you?" Ratchet said. I tilted my helm curiously at him and then nodded. "Tonight, can you meet me on the base rooftop?"

"Oh, um, sure." I said. As I left and returned to my berthroom, I could overhear Optimus entering the main area and speaking to Ratchet. I was far too curious for my own good, and I decided to listen in.

"Are you going to tell him?" Optimus asked.

"I am going to try. I just hope he feels the same way." Ratchet said. "I don't want to hurt him, especially after everything he's been through."

"I do not believe you would ever cause harm to him."

"I can only hope so."

I sat on the edge of the base rooftop. The sky above was like a thick sheet of ebony velvet with tiny shards of shattered glass spread across it. I couldn't help but be in awe at the beauty, the peace and quiet.

"Y/D, i... I'm glad you came." I heard Ratchet say from behind me. I stood up and looked over as he approached me.

"What did you want to talk to me about Ratchet?" I asked. Ratchet hesitated, a thick shade of blue blooming on his faceplate.

"I have a confession to make." Ratchet said. "I... I have grown fond of you. You're stronger than you realize. You're incredibly smart, and... and I need you. I need you with me, I need to hear you sing, see you smile. You mean everything to me. I love you."

"I guess I have a confession to make as well." I said, gently tilting his helm up. "But... I'm not the greatest with expressing it in words." Before Ratchet could respond, I pulled him into a deep kiss, his servos resting on my hips and mine on his shoulders. I gently broke the kiss and smiled at the blushing mess of a mech in front of me.

"I um, take it the feeling is mutual?" Ratchet asked.

"It is. You were the only reason I was able to escape Megatron's grip. You were the only one who was on my mind the entire time. I never want to leave your side ever again. You saved me and... you didn't see me as weak or some freak of nature. You saw me for me, and that won my spark."

"For someone who is bad with words, that was beautiful." Ratchet said. Now, it was my turn to be a blushing mess. I hid it by sliding my visor down, a >/////< displaying on my screen. Ratchet chuckled and pushed the visor back up and pecked my cheek. "You're adorable."

"AM NOT!" I huffed in protest.

"Are too, and you can't argue." I gave him an amused look of shock before snorting and shaking my helm. I pulled him to my chassis and rested my helm on top of his. Ratchet reciprocated the embrace.

"Ratchet, can you promise me something?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Promise you won't hurt me... o-or betray my trust. I don't think I can handle another episode..." I said quietly.

"I would never do that to you. You have my word not just as a medic but as someone who loves you." Ratchet pulled me into another sweet kiss.

"We should keep this on the low." I said after breaking the kiss, pressing my forehelm against his. "I don't want the Decepticons to hurt you... or find out about us. Primus knows what my sire would do or what Megatron would do to you."

Echo (TFP Ratchet x Mech!Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin