8: Synth-En

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A/N this chapter is heavily inspired by the song linked above.
"Ratchet, I think I made a breakthrough with the Synthetic Energon!" I exclaimed excitedly as I ran over to him. We had been struggling with the incomplete formula for weeks now, and I was so excited to show him the stabilized formula. He looked over to me and the vial of green liquid I had produced.

"You have it stabalized?" He asked in disbelief.

"Well, so far, I was about to test it." I said, preparing the sample for injection.

"You are not going to inject yourself with that!" Ratchet scolded.

"Ratchet, we are running low on energon, and the Decepticons are bleeding us dry. If this works on me, then we can get the upper hand!"

"Y/D, what you are suggesting is reckless."

"Yes, but the Autobots risked a lot by helping me, so I'm going to risk myself to help them." I then placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. "All you have to do is observe, okay? The worst thing that can happen is i get sick."

"I still don't like this... but you are right. We need the energon, and the only way we can know for certain is to test it. Just... be careful, sweetspark."

I took in a steady vent and nodded, grabbing the injection device and positioning it over my arm.

"Okay, synthetic energon test, take 1." I stabbed the needle into my arm, slowly the green liquid drained into me. I felt a rush of an unknown sensation course through me, my helm spinning like crazy.

"Y/D? Are you okay?" Ratchet's voice sounded fuzzy to me, and when I went to turn to him, I felt my frame collapse to the floor. The sound of smashing glass and metal echoed in the empty base. "Y/D? Y/D! Can you hear me sweetspark?"

"Nnnng... Primus that packed a punch." I groaned, my once (f/c) optics now a brilliant neon green.

"Y/D, are you okay?" Ratchet asked with worry.

"I think so." I said as I rolled over to my side. "Urgh, that was a mistake."

"How do you feel?" Ratchet asked, concern in his optics as he helped me to my pedes.

"Like I got sat on by Bulkhead. Otherwise, I think I'm okay."

"Ratchet, we need Y/D out in the field." We heard Optimus call through the comlink.

"On my way." I said, firing up the ground bridge.

"Y/D, are you sure you want to do this?" Ratchet asked.

"I'll be fine. This will be a field test." I said, pulling him into a hungry kiss. "I'll be fine." I turned around and ran through the bridge into open combat, blaster fire whizzing all about.

"Y/D! Look out!" Arcee yelled just in time for me to skillfully dodge Breadown's massive hammer. I back flipped away from him and released my tendrils.

"Hahaha! Nice try, big guy!" I cackled, charging at Breakdown and knocking him down with my tendrils. I slammed all 6 of them into his chassis, hoisting him up and chucking him at the group of vehicons. "AND THATS HOW YOU FRAGGING DO IT!"

I then grappled with Knockout, who was more than a little bit terrified of me, a psychotic smile on my face.

"Aww, you gonna leak transmission fluid ya big baby?" I taunted, hoisting him into the air by a tendril and laughing maniacally. "Pathetic!" I then threw him at Breakdown as hard as I could, the two mechs slamming into each other with a loud crash. "You better start running, boys." I sneered, the Decepticons backing away in terror and fleeing. "Hah! Cowards!"

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