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Hi hi!

This is Mira. It's been a while since I've updated this story. When I tell you my life has been crazy, that is not an understatement. I transferred to universities last fall. Adjusting to a new environment is never easy, but overall, it has been a good experience. My mental health is never on a steady pattern. Lately, I've been having more depressive episodes, but luckily I am very fortunate to have my family to help me through it. 

I started this story at an extremely low point in my life. During the pandemic and after the death of a family member, I found myself wanting to escape. So I opened Wattpad and started writing. At first, writing this story was so exciting. I was writing most nights, having nothing better to do. My love for the harry potter universe started from a very young age, and writing a fic in this universe felt natural. 

The plot of this story was something I had been turning over in my head for a while. Sirius is my favorite character, so it just seemed fitting to make him the main love interest. Arabella and the rest of the characters had become my family, and I was deeply invested in writing this story. But as the months went on and life turned upside down, I found myself slowly becoming disinterested. I had less and less time to write due to school, and I realized that I really did not know where this story was going. 

So this is my apology. I have made the decision to discontinue this story as I really can't find myself writing for it anymore. Though please know that this is not the end. This story will remind up on my page, just simply unfinished. My writing journey is not over since it is something I'm passionate about. I have many other stories I am planning on writing, mainly in the HP universes. Please hang on tight and wait for my stories. I am deeply sorry that I could not finish this one. But who knows? Maybe I'll find my courage and finish it one day. But for right now, this story has ended. 

Thank you for waiting so patiently. I am sorry again. 

All my love, 


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