--meet the goldsteins--

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You can say many things about Arabella Goldstein. Everyone seemed to love her. She had a heart of gold. She couldn't do anything wrong in the eyes of her parents, friends, and professors.

She was a fantastic student. Always wanted to be on top, whether that be grades or being a chaser for the Hufflepuff quidditch team. 

Arabella Goldstein was the epitome of a Hufflepuff. She was kind and patient and gave everyone a fair chance. She was extremely loyal to the people she loved, whether that was her family, the Weasleys, her classmates, and even some of the professors.

Arabella was a pureblood. The highest level of society in the wizarding world. But her family was special, ah yes, the blood traitors in the eyes of purebloods. Not that the Goldsteins cared. They loved everyone and everything, no matter if they were half-bloods or muggle-borns. 

They were, I guess you can say, a little bit eccentric. Yes, the Goldsteins still lived in a big manor, and yes, they still had quite a large amount of money, but again they didn't care. They didn't show off their wealth like other purebloods. They weren't like that.

You see, Arabella's father was Joe Goldstein from the noble Goldstein family of America. Joe was proud to be a Goldstein for they were good people. Good purebloods. He came to England when he was just 18 years old. Fresh out of Ilvermorny School of Magic.

Joe became one of the youngest journalists for the wizard magazine, The Quibbler, owned by a gentleman named Xenophilius Lovegood. He loved his job.

Two years later, he met a young editor by the name of Mia Santiago.

Mia Santiago was a pureblood witch from Granada, Spain. She attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France. Like Joe, she had a passion for writing.

They were soulmates. You can even say it was love at first sight.

A journalist and an editor. A match made in writing heaven!

A few years later, on October 29, 1979, to be exact, they had a beautiful baby girl. Arabella Andromeda Goldstein.

She was the most beautiful little creature that they had ever laid eyes on.

From that day on, Arabella became their pride and joy. The baby girl radiated beautiful energy whenever she entered a room. You just had to stop and pay attention to her.

Two years later, on June 5, 1981, the Goldsteins expanded their little family by the addition of Sebastian Scorpius Goldstein.

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