xi. from eden

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" Babe, there's something tragic about you

Something so magic about you

Don't you agree? "

Don't you agree? "

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November 2, 1977


Arabella ended up having quite the nineteenth birthday. After spending her day with Benji, the twins, and Frank, she spent the remainder of her day with the marauders. They got her a large assortment of candies from Honeydukes and then proceeded to drag her all around Hogsmeade until it was time to go back to the castle. Besides the candy, they also bought Arabella an extra gift; the new Fleetwood Mac record. They justified the present by saying it would benefit them too since there were always in her classroom.

Benji had also got her some new muggle books that he thought she would appreciate, and the Prewetts gave her a book on magical pranks.

Minnie and Dumbledore had gotten her a joint gift of an owl, saying she needed one. It was a beautiful black great-horned owl with two different colored eyes, one bright yellow and the other pitch black. It reminded her of her little brother, Sebastian, because he had one green eye and the other was bright blue. Having her brother in mind, she named her new owl Scorpius, after her Sebastian.

She was currently in her classroom, blasting the new record she had gotten. She was sitting upside down on a couch with her legs up against the backrest and her head daggling of the seat. It wasn't a good day for Arabella. She had a major headache, and she was feeling extra lonely.

She felt drained.

Since the music was so loud, she didn't even hear McGonagall come into her room.

"Miss Goldstein!" she shouted over the music.

Arabella turned her head to look at her, "Yes, Minnie?"

"Would you please turn that music down?"

She shook her head, "No, can do Minnie. I'm trying to drown out my pesty thoughts, and the only way to do that is to blast music until my eardrums pop."

McGonagall signed, "Miss Goldstein, why on earth are you trying to do that on a beautiful Wednesday morning?"

"Minnie, it's raining." Arabella deadpanned.

McGonagall looked out the window to see it was indeed raining, quite hard actually.

"What do I have to do to make you turn off the music?" she asked.

"Can you bring my brother back?" Arabella asked, her voice barely a whisper, but McGonagall heard.

Mcgonnal walked over to sit on the couch just as Arabella sat up. She put a gentle hand on the young girl's shoulder.

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