xvi. falling slowly

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" Take this sinking boat and point it home

We've still got time

Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice

You'll make it now "

You'll make it now "

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December 31, 1977


To say that Arabella was nervous was an understatement; she was terrified. Arabella had never been good at going to parties, only having gone to a few during her time at Hogwarts. But this wasn't any ordinary party; no, it was an adult party with adult people and adult beverages; the whole ordeal. She surely couldn't knock back shot after shot and get absolutely hammered like she'd done every other time. No, she had to make amicable conversation and be sober enough to actually remember it.

She had invited both Regulus and Evan to come to her room and help her pick out an outfit. After a lot of disagreeing with the boys, they had all settled on a strappy forest green silk dress that went down a little above her mid-thigh. She had paired it with her black boots and a black cardigan to go on top. Arabella made sure to up all her jewelry on especially the bracelet she had gotten from the girls and the necklace from Sirius. After a good hour of curling her hair to perfection and applying a light layer of makeup, Arabella was promptly out the door by 6:30 pm.


She made it to Hogsmeade so she would be able to apparate safely. Standing just off the side of the road, she felt the familiar sensation of being twisted through a tube and suddenly landed in a vacant alleyway. She looked around her surroundings and spotted what looked to be Potter Manor just down the road. She made her way over, thinking of ways not to reveal anything personal about herself to whoever she met. Finally, standing in front of the large wood door, Arabella sucked in a deep breath and knocked. She could hear music coming from inside the house, and when she was about to knock again, the door abruptly opened to reveal a very red-faced James Potter.

"Bella!" he shouted as he engulfed her in the world's biggest hug.

Arabella awkwardly padded him on the back, "James, hi. Um, I kinda need to breathe!"

James released the poor girl only to be hugged once more by a lanky werewolf.

"Oh hello, Remus!" she laughed.

Remus let go of her, "Hi Bella, come in. You must be freezing."

"Just a bit," she said as she stepped into the home and shrugged off her oversized coat. Arabella's mouth was wide open when she took in the size of the house. It was massive. It reminded her a lot of Goldstein manor. Great big columns around the house. Daisies and white roses decorated the foyer, along with an ornate crystal chandelier. Just by being in the entrance of the home, Arabella could tell that it was a safe haven. The house itself radiated love; very different from the other manors she had been in her past life. They moved over to the living room, where the party was in full swing. Men and women were cheerfully mingling, ready to welcome in the new year with open arms.

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