xxxv. mr. brightside

639 28 3

" choking on your alibis

but it just the price I pay

destiny is calling me

open up my eager eyes

cause I'm mr. brightside "


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December 22, 1979


London, England

4:00 pm

Number twelve Grimmauld Place was never a happy home. It housed unhappy marriages and miserable children for many years. Yet, people continued to inhabit the old rut like a haven: away from prying eyes and listening ears.

The Black brothers hated the place. It was tainted with scars and wounds placed there by their ancestors, family members they never wished to meet. Sirius was fortune to leave. He was always the brave brother, quite daring and overall stubborn. But he got out. Something Regulus wished he had the opportunity to do. But no, he dug his grave, and now he must lie in it.

He knew that helping out his brother and the rest of the order was the least he could do to assure them that he wasn't completely gone. Blood purity was something he used to believe. Children can be very impressionable, and Regulus was no exception. He yearned for knowledge, power. Not in the way that the Dark Lord yearned for it, just in the way that he wasn't kept in the dark.

Throughout his whole life, Regulus Black was praised for being the perfect pureblood son. Spoke when spoken to, always followed the rules, and never associated with people that were considered less. However, that was the extent of it. His brother hated him; his parents thought he was a trophy, and everyone else just thought he was a brainless statue. No one ever asked him what he thought; no one ever asked if he was alright, no gave a damn about Regulus Black.

Though that was the problem, they should have cared more; maybe he wouldn't have strayed from his family's ideals. Maybe he could have stayed the perfect son, a loyal follower. But the fact that no one asked Regulus his opinion made him who he is now.

That whole pureblood bullshit has always been a lie, and it wasn't till he met his friends that he figured that out. Evan Rosier was the only person who asked if Regulus was alright. The only person to ask his opinion. The only person who didn't think of him as a perfect pureblood prince but a valued friend. If it wasn't for Evan, he would have stayed with that horrendous mindset. If it wasn't for Evan, Regulus wouldn't have met Arabella. And if it wasn't for Arabella, Regulus would have never mended the broken relationship he had with his brother. So now at eighteen years old, Regulus Black wasn't alone. He had people who cared for him and thought his opinion was valuable.

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