58~ the exit

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"Here we go again" y/n sighed, putting her bag over her shoulders. "Hey y/n" Ray said, gaining her attention. "Mhm?" She asked. Ray took off his blue scarf and placed it over onto y/ns neck. "It's going to be cold outside and you'll get sick" Ray said, fixing the scarf on her neck. Y/n laughed for a few moments "Remember back at Gracefield I got sick at least twice a month, Norman used to get sick a lot too!" she said. "I don't think I can forget, I always cooked soups when you were both were sick and I basically camped in the infirmary with you until you got better" he said, remembering their childhood together. Y/n placed her hand on his face and kissed him softly, making Ray blush. "Let's relive even better memories together and get out of this mess" y/n said, taking his hand and intertwining her fingers with his. As the two stepped through the emergency door with the others.

"Monitor room, can you hear me" Andrew asked through the microphone placed above his ear. "Yes sir the monitors are still on. There is some footage it looks like some is fake. I'll reconnect them soon to live footage shortly" one of his men answered who was standing in the monitor room, gazing at the cameras. "That room is their lifeline to safety. I'm sure there are cameras pointed in most directions" Andrew said.

Lucas and Rossi ran through the secret passageway from the telephone room. The two listened carefully to what was happening in the monitor room as they pressed their ears to the wall. "Lucas...we should be going to the others" Rossi whispered feeling panicked. "They found the fake footage. If that footage goes live, everyone will be in plain sight when they go up. But the exits will be found out too...we cannot hand this room over to the enemies" Lucas whispered. "Lucas I'm scared" the boy said, oh the verge of tears. "Rossi stay here. I'll handle this okay?" Lucas asked as Rossi hesitantly nodded.

Lucas crept his way into the monitor room to one of Andrews men who were watching over the loading footage. Suddenly Lucas jumped onto the man's shoulders as he gasped. Lucas tightened his grip around the man's neck until he fell unconscious onto the floor. "Lucas!!" Rossi loudly whispered. "Don't come out yet. I am going to destroy the monitors- Rossi you need to go now. I'll catch up later" Lucas said, handing Rossi the walkie Talkie of the fallen man. Rossi understood Lucas's orders and sprinted down the secret hallway to find the others.

Back in the emergency tunnel the others were trying to find their way around the map of the tunnels. "We go this way Next!" Chris said, pointing straight ahead. Leading the group was Emma, y/n, Ray and Yugo. The four watched carefully making sure everyone was safe. "What a complicated map..."y/n said. "It's fine we memorised the correct route" Ray added to y/ns thoughts. "Even if the enemies find this secret tunnel we have the geographical advantage" Emma reassured them.

Y/n walked up towards Emma. "We should be able to escape before they catch up , right?" The girl asked. "Of course. We will get away for sure" Emma smiled at y/n.

Yugo and Ray walked side by side behind the two girls. "Hey Ray does it bother you?" Yugo asked, breaking the silence. "What?" Ray asked. "The enemies and why there are eight of them. There are over sixty of us and we have weapons too" Yugo said, staring at the ground. "They only sent eight, it's not a lot. Maybe they just didn't know how many there were of us. Or that we had weapons" Ray thought. "But if they did....then they'd send an elite team that required only a few men to bring us under control" Yugo said. Ray shrugged his shoulders. "Or maybe this attack is something the Ratri clan needs to keep under wraps. But I mean it's not just that...other things are annoying me. Like how did they avoid the cameras? Or even locate the shelter? It's true that something isn't right. We didn't overlook anything did we?" Ray asked Yugo, looking up at him.

"We are almost there!" Chris smiled. "We'll walk a bit more and go up again to reach the exit!" Chris explained which made most of the children sigh in relief. "Y/n, Emma" two of the boys from Goldy pond called, as they ran up to the pair. "Yeah?"y/n asked with a smile. "We can open the exit door" the boys said kindly. "Sure!" Emma said. "We Are almost out" Chris said to y/n, hugging her with a smile.

Suddenly there was a loud gunshot and the two Goldy pond boys fell onto the ground covered in blood. Chris's and y/ns eyes widened. Another bullet came shooting down aiming for Chris. "Chris!" Y/n shouted as she grabbed the boy and everyone began to run back the opposite way. "Are you hurt?! Is Chris okay??" Ray asked y/n who was standing beside him holding the young boy in her arms. "Chris is hurt- badly. He won't wake up" y/n was full of shock at just what happened to those boys and Chris.

Ray, Emma and the others apart from y/n who was holding Chris all aimed their guns at the exit. "They were wearing bullet proof vests..."Yugo said as he looked in horror at the two now murdered boys. "No way!!" Lanni said in shock. "Did they die!!" Thoma cried.

"Children bred as food can you hear me?" A man's voice echoed through the tunnel, coming from the exit. "My name is Andrew and I'm here to kill you all. I know you are here and there's no point in hiding. In the last year and nine months I have killed all your supporters that's how we found your location. And its internal structure. We have secured all exits. You will all die here today, cattle children. And we are here to take Miss Ratri back to the farms by force. That is the situation so come out with your hands up. If you do I promise the end will be swift and painless."


Sorry for any typos

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