I grabbed a bell and began to ring it furiously, waiting for Tweek to come downstairs. Within a minute he was racing down the stairs. I grabbed a handful of confetti and sprinkled it over his head as he approached me.

"Happy Birthday Mon Amour." I whispered, kissing him softly.

He looked around in awe and hugged me, tight.

"I love it. Thank you."

"Sit, I have a gift for you."

"Another?! But you already gave me some?"

"This one is special, I wanted to give it to you at the lake we had our first date, but I don't want to drag you out in the cold."

He glanced at me in disbelief.

"Babe. You dragged me out of bed at 11pm, in the freezing cold, to go ice skating."

"I don't remember that." I teased, handing him the box.

"Open it!!" I commanded excitedly. He eased the wrapping paper off and edged the lid open. He gasped when he saw it and immediately fastened it to his wrist.

"I love it. I love you!" He exclaimed, kissing me and wrapping his arms around me as tight as he could.

"I'll never take it off. Never." He declared, smiling up at me.

"Sooo.... You'll wear it in the shower?" I smirked.

"Perv." He said, flushing red.

I chuckled and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Sorry my love, was too good of an opportunity to miss."

He pouted and turned away from me, but I saw the smile playing on his lips.

"So, my love, what do you wanna do to celebrate your birthday?" I smiled sweetly at him, batting my eyelashes. He blushes and glanced away from me again.

"I don't know... What do YOU want to do?"

"Oi! It's your birthday, not mine. I'm not picking what we do!"

"Well I don't know what I want to do!"

I grinned at him, wondering how I, Craig Fucker, pulled such a sweet, caring angel.

(p.s. Fucker is not a spelling mistake.)

He stared at me, blush across his cheeks, hair disheveled, eyes bright, and I thought:
'How did I get so lucky?'

He sauntered back over to me, brushing confetti out of his hair. He leant against my chest and closed his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed the top of his head softly. He mumbled something I didn't quite hear.

"Speak up babe..."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Have you figured out what you wanna do yet?"

"Kind of. I know what I wanna do later, but not right now..."

He began chewing his lip when the doorbell rang. He pulled away from me and paced to the door. He swung it open, talking incoherently to whoever was behind the door. Then the door shut and a very worried looking Clyde stumbled in.

Creek <3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें